

Briefly Outdoor News – September 2022

Bussey Point Deer Hunts Set For Clarks Hill The hunt dates are set for the 2022 deer season at U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Lincoln County property. The corps hosts these annual archery and muzzleloader deer hunts on the Bussey Point Corps Management Unit, located on a 2,545-acre reservoir peninsula, to maintain the deer population…

Truck-Buck Contest Official Rules 2022-2023 Season

Enter Your Buck • Only qualified, paid subscribers of Georgia Outdoor News, or their qualified spouse (legal husband or wife), or dependents (as defined by IRS rules for federal tax-filing purposes) are eligible to enter a deer in the Truck-Buck Contest (hereinafter “Contest”). To be a qualified, paid subscriber, Georgia Outdoor News (hereinafter “GON”) must…

Volleying Vocabulary

Today, class, we’re going to focus on: Fill In The Blank(s). So open those eyes and crank up the ol’ brainbox. Back in the early days of outdoor writing and, especially, pulp westerns, authors were large on naming folks like B___, L___ or T___.  I’ve read a million of ‘em; you’d be rolling right along…

Letters To The Editor: September 2022

Prayers Answered At GON’s Outdoor Blast Dear GON, In 1985 I attended my first Buckarama at the Atlanta Civic Center close to downtown Atlanta. Everywhere the Buckarama and now the GON Blast have moved I’ve driven friends and family to attend these iconic hunting gatherings. From Atlanta, to Forest Park, to Perry, to Bass Pro…

Archery 3D Doesn’t Mimic Bowhunting Scenarios: Aim For The Exit

At the end of August last season, I grabbed my binoculars and headed out for some preseason scouting for soft and hard mast. It is imperative that every hunter learn his or her food sources. On this trip I was concentrating on soft mast such as muscadines, persimmons and in some areas, crab apples. A…

Whitetail Hunting At Its Simplest And Best

  (Odyssey: a long wandering or voyage usually marked by many changes of fortune.) The thought that one day I would hang up my guns and hunt no more has never presented itself. A man does not live long lacking the very essence of life; for me, the hunt is that essence. Hunt, mind you.…

Six Degrees Of Truck-Buck

Deer season is here. For GON, that means another year of the Truck-Buck contest. We love Truck-Buck entries because we get to see so many great Georgia bucks and so many familiar faces. Week 17 last season was extra special. As the entries rolled in, there were some familiar names.  There was Ritchie Sharian, who…

Georgia’s Best Bow Bucks For 2021-22

The 2021-22 deer season tallied up 83 record-book bow bucks, which continues a 4-year string of very impressive Georgia bow seasons with more than 80 record-book bucks in a season.  Last year at this time, the 2020-21 season was reporting 93 record-book bucks, but it’s since crawled up to 108 entries. Therefore, with future entries…

Food Source Updates For Georgia’s 2022 Archery Deer Season

The glorious season is upon us. It is time to hunt!  While the primary purpose for many of us is to put fresh, all-natural meat on the grill and stock the freezer, please remember that hunting is fun. Get out there as often as possible and take advantage of something that makes our country unique—abundant…

Bacon County Night-Hunting Case Nets Two Teens

The Conservation LE Corner is designed to highlight the efforts of Georgia DNR Law Enforcement Division (LED) officers who, among their many duties, protect Georgia’s wildlife, sportsmen and natural resources from game-law violators. The following account is provided from DNR LED.  Bacon County: On Nov. 27, 2020, game warden Luke Rabun was surveilling an area…

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