I was reading an article the other day that absolutely depressed me. Back in the late 1940s, the Zero Hour Bomb Company made explosives to start oil flowing on the oil rigs of Oklahoma. Their patents were expiring and they needed to diversify in order to stay in business. Along came an inventor who offered…
The smoke of Fourth of July fireworks and cookouts may be behind you as you read this. With that, the calendar in many hunter’s minds will have kicked into thoughts of Saturday, Sept. 10. That’s the date of the deer season opener for archery, just one week after the opening day of our dove season. …
Yes, gas prices are high and travel expensive, but that didn’t stop the boats from rolling in to the 18th edition of the Wayne County Catfish Tournament, June 4-5. In fact, there were even more than last year’s! The Wayne County Board of Tourism’s annual Altamaha River-based hoedown drew 89 boats and 208 fishermen for…
In case you haven’t noticed, the weather is as hot as it wants to be along about now. Welcome to July in Georgia. The heat puts a strain on almost everything—including fishing and fishermen. So when I headed out to slip around Hugh M. Gillis PFA for the first time this year a couple of…
Catch July bass early on seawalls and in grassbeds, and then get them under docks when the sun is bright. That simple plan will put bass in your livewell consistently on Lake Sinclair in the hot summer sun. Two other potential patterns that can sweeten your day are bedding bream and hatching mayflies. Find the right…
Venison Bacon Burger Bombs Here’s a new twist on that standard venison burger you’ve been serving. Your family and buddies will be telling everyone about this! 1 lb. ground venison 1 lb. ground Italian sausage 1 lb. thick sliced bacon 1 jar pickled Seranno peppers Montreal Steak Seasoning 1/4 c. Worcestershire sauce 2 large white…
Chatuge Bass Bites Off More Than It Can Chew Something went bad wrong with these two Lake Chatuge bass. Kerry Browning, a media name many will recognize from 30 years at WSB and 10 years at Atlanta’s WXIA before retiring, sent us the picture. He found the dead bass floating next to his dock on…
Send photographs to [email protected]. Please provide caption information including name, hometown, county, date and details of the catch or harvest.
July 2022: Vol. 36, No. 7 July Feature Articles Twelve Tips For State Park Deer Hunts Success rates are phenomenal on the quota deer hunts at Georgia State Parks, but the hunting is sure different. Ag-Pro GON Outdoor Blast Countdown Time Check out the new events for the July 29-31 Blast. Lake Juliette Summertime Linesides…
The Conservation LE Corner is designed to highlight the efforts of Georgia DNR Law Enforcement Division (LED) officers who, among their many duties, protect Georgia’s wildlife, sportsmen and natural resources from game-law violators. The following account is provided from DNR LED. Tattnall County: At about 8 a.m. on Sunday morning, Sept. 5, 2021 Ranger Jordan…