

Juliette Stripers & Hybrids Go Deep In Summertime

With a hint of excitement in his voice, Lake Juliette fishing guide Jeff Mooney said, “Watch that pole, it’s going down!” He pointed at the rod next to Bob Turner and, as Jeff predicted, a slight bend in the rod became a deep arc toward the water as the striper pulled out line and the…

Joshua Barnhill’s Biggest Warmouth Ever Sets Savannah River Record

Joshua Barnhill’s day of fishing on the Savannah River didn’t turn out anything like he had hoped. His plans were to use a bobber and crickets to catch bluegill that he would use later in the day to bait his trotlines. What he caught instead was a lot more exciting. “To tell you the truth,…

Realtree Kids: July 2022

Final Day Of The 2022 Ag-Pro GON Outdoor Blast

The Ag-Pro GON Outdoor Blast returns this year with our traditional date the last weekend in July, and we are coming back to Emerson and the massive LakePoint Champions Center. This year’s hunting and fishing show will take place July 29-31, and the famous Gun-An-Hour Giveaway is back. Again this year during the Outdoor Blast…

Hart County WMA Buck Turns Bad Season Into Greatest Season Ever

By Ritch Keener  We can certainly say that 2020 was anything but normal. COVID-19 impacted almost every facet of life, and public-land hunting was no exception. I noticed that Hart County WMA saw a large increase in hunters and hunting pressure during the archery, primitive weapons and gun seasons. I hunted the WMA hard during all…

July 15 Deadline For Dove Shoot Listing

GON will publish our annual Pay Dove Shoots list in the August issue. If you are hosting a shoot, fill out the Dove Shoot Coupon for a free listing.  For County, just tell us which county your field(s) is in. Under Shoot Date(s), include all the pay shoots you plan to host. We understand not…

Retreat On The River

One of my uncles—oh, brother!—just happened to be in the yard when the feller pulled up. Seeking my whereabouts.. “Uh, I’m thanking he’s on the river.” “You wouldn’t happen to know just where, would you?” “Likely sommers between Milledgeville and Jesup.” “Well, that narrows it down.” No response, other than deadpan gaze. “Reckon he’s got…

More How The Truck-Buck Weeks Were Won: 2021-2022 Deer Season

Seventeen weekly winners and four hunters in our wildcard spots will soon shoot it out at the Ag-Pro Outdoor Blast on July 31. The second-best shot will win a Firminator G-3. And then, the last man, woman or child standing—there are three kids in the Shoot-Out this year—that last person on the Shoot-Out stage will…

Letters To The Editor: July 2022

Pre She Ate Cha For The Coyote Cull Entry Help Dear GON, Special thanks to Mr. Keith Swinford, of Cohutta, for letting me borrow his GON magazine to take my Coyote Cull entry picture with. Folks don’t forget to renew your subscription or you’ll be trying to find a GON issue that can be really…

West Point Lake Fishing Report – July 2022

West Point: Level: 1 foot below 635. Temp: Upper 80s. Clarity: Clear. Bass: Guide Keith Hudson reports, “Fair. There are a few different patterns working right now. Topwater baits such as Whopper Ploppers, buzzbaits and Zoom Horny Toads can be effective for shallow and aggressive fish, especially around bream beds and shallow cover and grass.…

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