
GON August 2005

GON Staff | August 1, 2005


Fab 40 Bucks Of 2004-2005 Georgia Deer Season
GON’s exclusive list recognizes Georgia’s best bucks of the the past season.

No Summer Blues For Blackshear Backwater Bass
The Lake Blackshear cypress trees and other shallow cover provide a surprisingly good shallow-water bite for August bass. Brad Borland marks a map with 10 locations to set your pattern. 

Flathead Catfish On The Lower Flint River
Scott Ellis talks techniques and locations for summer flatheads on the Flint River.

J.W. Smith Reservoir Bass In The Grass
This Clayton County water supply reservoir offers good late summer bass fishing.

Hair Jigs For Bass Making A Quiet Comeback
Long ago a standard in all tackle boxes, some Georgia bass anglers are borrowing a page from the past and going back to hair jigs.

B.F. Grant WMA: 30 Years Of Quality-Buck Regulations
There’s a long history of managing for quality deer, and for big bucks, at this central Georgia WMA.

Fall Fiction: The Haunted Hunt At Asbury Manor Part 1
August: New access to hunt deer near the old Asbury Manor leads to a season this hunter will never forget.

Pro’s Guide To Georgia Tarpon
August is tarpon time off the Georgia coast. Here are tips for catching the silver king.



14-lb. Largemouth Bass From Lake Winfield Scott In Union County

Fallow Deer, Elk On The Loose In Georgia Counties

Five Dead As Three Night Boating Accidents Mar Georgia Summer

Brunswick Boat Wins 11th Annual Golden Isles Kingfish Classic

QDMA Celebrates New National Headquarters With Grand Opening In Bogart

Volunteers Plant An Awesome Food Plot At Dawson Forest WMA



Letters To The Editor: Outlaw Jugging; DNR Has It Together

Eye On The Antis: Save the Crabs And Take Over The Wienermobile

Bass Tournament Reports
Results from Southern Bassin’ Couples on Sinclair and Valley Sportsman on West Point; Power Rankings update and BFL standings.

Realtree Kids Scrapbook

Scrapbook Pictures

Game Warden Reports

Editorial By Steve Burch

Daryl Gay’s Back Page


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