
Trout Fishing

New Toccoa River Delayed Harvest

There are many things that can get an angler’s pulse pumping, and particularly trout anglers here in Georgia. We’re obsessed with anything even remotely related to trout fishing, whether it be as small as a new tool to pin on the vest, a new book or DVD, a tougher, more comfortable pair of waders, a…

North Georgia Fly Fishing Report – November 2006

Chattahoochee Tailwater Report by Chris Scalley of River Through Atlanta Guide Service “Shooting the ‘Hooch in November? I guess we should start with the fall spawning ritual of the brown trout which will be in peak activity during November and continue through December. During this time browns are congregating around gravel bars throughout the river…

November 2006 Cannon’s Creel

This may come as a shock to anyone who knows me, but frankly, I’m having a hard time thinking about trout right now. My first distraction is that I’m on my honeymoon with my beautiful new bride, Stephanie, which is a very good distraction! As this is being written, we’re on a plane heading toward…

Trout Fly of the Month – November

BWOs are generally small mayflies that come off sporadically throughout the day and are a fun dry fly to fish during the cooler parts of the year. Characterized by their olive body and bluish wings, they are loved by trout. They’re effective when a hatch is occurring, but remember to use subsurface flies if no…

November 2006 Rabunite Ramble

HAPPY SECOND TROUT SEASON! The Georgia “delayed harvest” (DH) trout season starts November 1st. After the long, hot, and dry summer we just experienced, it is like having another “opening day.” It gives us the perfect excuse (as if we really needed one) to enjoy the beautiful fall colors while practicing “catch and release” trout…

Trout Fly of the Month – October

Explosive strikes are what you have to look forward to when fishing a Wooly Bugger. My favorite style of fishing streamers is to cast downstream and at an angle toward the bank. This sets your fly up for what I call a “dead-and-dodging” retrieve – by quickly stripping in the line you are essentially imitating…

North Georgia Fly Fishing Report – October 2006

Chattahoochee Tailwater Water temps: Mid-50s Kyle Burrell of River Through Atlanta Guide Service said that Lanier is starting to turn over so the water coming out of Buford Dam is a little off-color. But, he reported that the fishing has been good and that there has been a lot of surface activity, including terrestrials which…

Trout Fly of the Month – September

Recipe: Hook: TMC 100 (Sizes 12-22) Butt: Red Thread or Dubbing Thorax: Yellow Dry Fly Dubbing Wing: Elk Hair Legs/Hackle: Yellow Dry Fly Hackle Fishing Tips When the small golden stoneflies are still coming off, tie on a Yellow Sally, choose a riser, and try to make a delicate presentation! More often than not, if…

North Georgia Fly Fishing Report – September 2006

Stocked Streams Because of extreme heat in August, the Lake Burton hatchery had to send their trout to either the Buford hatchery or stock them in the few streams that are still cold enough. “With these heavy recent stockings, there are still lots of trout that can be caught! For example, the Tallulah River in…

The Sunflower Seed Story

Admittedly, I’m not the world’s greatest conversationalist. If we were all movie characters, and the average person’s discourse is in line with a Quentin Tarantino flick, my dialogue would compare to that of Star Wars a la George Lucas. Because of this, I have always been forced to rely on stories in order to seem…

Trout Recipes

Wild In The Kitchen: Crockpot Crispy Wild Turkey

Crockpot Crispy Wild Turkey  1 whole turkey I pound butter divided in half 1 tbsp thyme 1 tbsp rosemary 1 tbsp salt 1 tbsp black pepper Pat the turkey dry with one or two sheets of paper towel. Slather the entire turkey with half the butter. Sprinkle with salt and pepper. Sprinkle with thyme and rosemary.…

Wild In The Kitchen: Smoked Rainbow Trout Dip

Smoked Rainbow Trout Dip  It won’t be long before stocked rainbow trout from hatcheries are filling Georgia’s trout waters. Whether you catch your trout or buy some at a grocery store, this appetizer will be a hit at your next family meal or party. 8 oz. smoked rainbow trout filets 6 oz. unsalted butter, softened 1…

Wild In The Kitchen: Ground Venison Christmas Stuffing

  Ground Venison Christmas Stuffing If you are looking for a great side dish for your Christmas dinner, impress your family with this venison take on stuffing. 1 pound ground venison 1 stick butter 1 chopped zucchini 1 large onion, chopped 1 tbsp minced garlic 2 tbsp sour cream 1 can cream of mushroom soup…