Spy-Cam – October 2018
Reader Contributed | October 8, 2018
Email your pics to Please include your name, GON subscriber number, hometown, county where the picture was taken, date, time and any interesting details for a caption.

White Socks: Some bucks are easy to keep up with from year to year. Frank Bevan, of Louisville, got this picture in Burke County last January just after the young buck had shed its antlers.

Grain Fed Water Turtles: “These wood ducks don’t seem to mind sharing their corn with a group of water turtles,” said Paul Wallace, of Albany.

Eat Your Clover And Drink Your Milk So You Can Grow Up Big And Strong: GON member James G. Helms, of Griffin, got this trail-cam picture on his clover food plot at 5:53 p.m. on July 31—a doe nursing its fawn along with two nice bucks.