Spy Cam – December 2024
Reader Contributed | December 1, 2024
Email pictures to [email protected]. Please include your name, GON subscriber number, hometown, county where the picture was taken, date, time and any interesting details for a caption. Or mail to GON Spy-Cam, PO Box 1589, Watkinsville, GA 30677.

Call To The Wild: This coyote was caught in mid howl in Cherokee County last October. Anthony Nycum, of Cartersville, submitted the photo.

Against All Odds: This Sumter County buck caught Robert Daughtry’s attention when he noticed something was missing. Even without a front left leg, this buck continued to thrive. Robert’s first picture of the buck was in December, 2022. This picture from this summer on July 18 showed the buck growing a thick and tall rack.

Teamwork In Houston County: This mama bear provided a step-stool service to her cub to reach a suspended feeder in Houston County. GON subscriber Max Shoupe, of Griffin, said the bears shows up every season at the beginning of deer season and then leaves when the pecan trees start dropping.

A Closer Look: Randy Dotson, a subscriber from Wimauma, Fla., got this close-up shot of a hawk swooping low to the ground in Randolph County.

The Fawn And The Squirrel: This trail-camera photo was submitted by Mark Butler, of Hazlehurst. His camera caught an unlikely pair in the midst of playtime in Jeff Davis County last year on July 25.