Realtree Kids: October 2022
Reader Contributed | October 1, 2022

Micah and Caleb Castile had a successful opening-day dove shoot at Buck Shoals WMA.

Turner Holcomb, 14, of Canton, with a 13-point Cherokee County buck taken on Sept. 10.

Cannon Padgett, 9, was fishing with his his Uncle Scott in Lee County when he caught this 9.78-lb. PB bass.

Milan Cleveland, 9, was fishing with Kimberly Wheeler on Clarks Hill May 21 when she caught this 36-pounder.

Isaac Washington, 5, of Locust Grove, with a rainbow trout caught in White County on July 29.

Thomas Holland, 7, of Buford, rolled this Toomsboro tom with an 8-yard shot with a .410 shotgun.

Hunter Taft, 7, was fishing in the Goosepond Community in Oglethorpe County on Aug. 10 when he caught this bass.

Kye Gainous, 10, of Cairo, caught this 4 1/2-lb. bass at his papa and meme’s pond in Grady County on Aug. 28.

Sanders Wade, 6, of Leesburg, shows off his first warmouth. He caught the bream using a red wiggler in Calhoun County on June 11.

Joyanna Gable, 9, of Douglasville, with a bass caught in May that was released.

Miller McGlincy, 5, of Canton, caught this bass on Sept. 4 from a private pond in Grady County.

Sanders Wade, 6, of Leesburg, shows off his first warmouth. He caught the bream using a red wiggler in Calhoun County on June 11.

Skyler Jongsma, 13, with a 13.1-lb. bass caught in Troup County.

Finn Murphy, 12, of Madison, with a Putnam County catfish from June 23.

Coden Smith, 7, was able to shoot a 6-point in velvet at 30 yards for his first bow-kill. He was hunting in Adairsville.

Miller McGlincy, 5, of Canton, caught this bass on Sept. 4 from a private pond in Grady County.

Aiden Lowe, 8, of Dahlonega, killed this buck in Lumpkin County on Sept. 12.

Benson Pierce, 9 of Jacksonville, Fla., with an 8-point taken in Laurens County on Oct. 25.

Lucas Cronan, 10, of Newton County, shot this 8-pointer the evening of opening day.

Henry Spann, 10, of Ball Ground, with a coyote he trapped all by himself on Aug. 16.

Ella Bellamy, 12, caught this 11-lb., 2-oz. bass in a private pond on May 19.

Heath Waller, 12, took this Madison County deer last season. It was his first deer with a crossbow.

Jaxon Buice, 7, dropped this big 9-pointer 15 yards from his stand in Monticello.

Oliver Pryor Jr., 5, of Athens, with a crossbow buck from Sept. 13 while hunting in Oconee County.

Cole Cato, 15, of Cumming, with a Washington County bass.

Caleb Bailey, 15, from Walton County, with a 10-pointer.

Brayden Roach, 15, with a White County buck from Sept. 10.

Nine-year-old Bentley Blanton with a Cherokee County 8-pointer taken with a crossbow at 40 yards.

Rounding up hogs in Morgan County was 8-year-old Colton Siso. This 250-lb. boar was one of 20 hogs killed the year.

Elizabeth Adams, 14, of Decatur County, was drawn for the youth dove hunt on River Creek WMA and took home some birds.

Cutler Pritchard, 10, of Pike County, takes two great Georgia bucks with a crossbow 11 minutes apart.

Cooper Parker with a Harris County bass.

Will German and his dad Ryan had a blast at the Wilson Shoals WMA youth dove hunt opening day. They had limits by 11:30 a.m.

Luke Larson, 15, killed this nice buck in Lee County on Sept. 18.

Hudson McGarity, 10, of Royston, got his first deer in Hart County on Oct. 10.

Bryce Webb, 12, of Watkinsville, killed a deer and this hog in Oconee County on Sept. 10.

Elijah Clark, 8, of Dalton, caught this shark from the beach on Saint Simon’s Island on Aug. 4.

Weston King from Pickens County with his first deer ever. Weston is extremely excited because he got to shoot a deer before he turns 5 at the end of the month.

Cade Wright with a nice late-season gobbler he took with his uncle in Dodge County.

Bethany Whittemore with her first turkey, taken in Hancock County on March 27.