Lake Seminole Hosts 188 College Bass Teams
GON Staff | March 1, 2018
Lake Seminole was host to 188 boats on Feb. 10, 2018 as college kids from all across the Southeast competed in the Yeti FLW College Fishing Event.
Cole Floyd, of Leesburg, Ohio, and Carter McNeil, of Abbeville, S.C., won the tournament with a five-bass limit weighing 28-lbs., 1-ozs. The fishing duo were representing Bethel University in McKenzie, Tenn.

Cole Floyd and Carter McNeil of Bethal University won the Feb. 10 FLW College event on Lake Seminole.
“Carter and I have fished quite a few events together, and we’ve had a couple of second-place finishes, but it feels great to finally earn a win,” said Cole, a junior majoring in business management. “We were targeting hydrilla in the deep ditches, and we had a milk run of six different areas that we fished throughout the day.
“Our worst spot in practice actually turned out to be the best spot during the tournament. It was a long ditch, with two lanes that the fish were using as a highway as they were coming in to spawn. We caught around 30 fish, and all of our limit that we weighed in on stage came out of there. We probably caught three 20-lb. limits throughout the day, and we were throwing back 4 1/2-pounders.”
Carter said they were both throwing Strike King Red Eye Shads.
“I was throwing a craw color, and Cole was throwing a bone white-color,” said Carter, also a junior majoring in business management. “The area had a high population of fish, and we’d make long casts and reel it back, then stop and let it sink. Most of the bites came on the fall.”
Carter was featured in the June 2016 GON on Lake Russell. That story can be read online at

Chase Cowart and Gage Cowart, of Cook High School, won the Feb. 17 Georgia BASS Nation High School event on Lake Seminole.
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