Week 3 Results (Sept. 23-29) Hunter, County, Score 1. Grady Raines (c), Turner, 152 5/8 NT Key: (c) crossbow Return to Main Scoring Results Page
Week 9 Results (Nov. 4-10) Hunter, County, Score 1. Tristan Cochran, Turner, 144 2/8 2. Rod Wingard (b), Houston, 140 3/8 3. Garrett Beck, Sumter, 139 2/8 4. Ryan Branch (b), Tift, 155 7/8 NT 5, Jordan McDonald, Meriwether, 133 6/8 6. Taylor Yoder, Macon, 131 7/8 7. Bennie Lacoste, Macon, 148 5/8 NT 8.…
The second of two scoring events for GON’s Truck-Buck and Youth Big-Buck contests was held in Madison on Saturday, March 16. We measured a number of racks from youth hunters, 15 and younger, who showed up to have their bucks scored in the hopes of moving on to the GON Youth Big-Buck Shoot-Out. The winner of that…
A high number of bucks—more than 200—from last season’s Truck-Buck and Youth Big Buck contests were recently officially measured, and we have the official results. The hunters in line to make the prestigious trip to the Ag-Pro GON Outdoor Blast the last weekend in July for the Truck-Buck Shoot-Out and Youth Big-Buck Contest Shoot-Out. The…
Week 1 Results (Sept. 9-15) Hunter, County, Score 1. Bo Osborne (b) (y), Hart, 144 6/8 1. Zach Peaster (b), Macon, 144 6/8 3. Jason Setser (c), Gwinnett, 142 3/8 4. Jared Whiting (b), Hart, 140 4/8 5. Dave Yoder (b) (pl), Dooly, 138 5/8 6. Pierce Payne (b), Gwinnett, 138 3/8 7. Lonnie Wingard…
Week 13 Results (Dec. 2-8) Hunter, County, Score 1. Ken Perry, Colquitt, 135 4/8 2. Ross Purvis, Cook, 131 6/8 3. Chase Ledger (b), Sumter, 126 5/8 4. Robert Cleveland, Early, 117 1/8 5. Jamey Hulsey (pl), Walker, 112 6/8 6. John Kilpatrick (y), Upson, 105 0/8 Key: (y) youth, (l) ladies, (b) bow, (c)…
I hope you and your family had a great Easter weekend. The bite has been off and on with the changing weather. Satilla River: The annual Satilla Riverkeeper fishing tournament is coming up and will run from April 12-21. Get the details on the Satilla River Facebook page. Savannah River: McCoy Skinner caught a giant…
The day of striper fishing on West Point for Mike Steele, of Dallas, was pretty-danged boring until it wasn’t. It ended with him landing a 40-lb. striper that’s a new lake record. He has his buddy Mike Bartlett to thank, and Bartlett wasn’t even the net man. “My buddy and I had fished from daylight…
Jonathan Ray considers Lake Lanier his home lake, but the Ball Ground resident likes to venture to Lake Allatoona several times each year. He plans to go to the Stamp Creek section of the lake a lot more in the future. All Jonathan did was what all bass fishermen dream of but what few accomplish.…
Since Georgia Outdoor News magazine started in 1987, we have continuously enjoyed sharing the accomplishments of others. Some months we’ll receive hundreds of pictures of happy hunters and anglers every year who just want to share their accomplishments. We are truly blessed that so many loyal Georgians think enough of GON to share with us about what they’ve accomplished.…