

New Road-Kill Rut Map Explained

Editor’s Note: The following article and accompanying graphics were developed through research after a collaborative effort between the UGA Deer Lab, WRD and Georgia DOT. Peak rut is that magical window of time when most hunters would like to be firmly planted in the deer woods. Unlike their northern brethren who breed primarily in November,…

The Art of Camouflage

What is your definition of the word “camouflage?” There is no right or wrong answer, but what if one of those definitions could make you a better hunter? Meriam-Webster’s Online Dictionary defines camouflage as a noun, a verb and an adjective. As it pertains to hunting as a noun, the definition would be a way…

The Youth Big-Buck Contest

Deer hunters in Georgia who are 15 and younger get a two-for-one when it comes to GON’s big-buck contests. First, they can enter Truck-Buck, and then they will also automatically be entered in the Youth Big-Buck Contest. The highest-scoring buck entered each week by a kid earns a spot in a Youth Shoot-Out for the…

Clarks Hill Bassin’ in November Centers Around The Bait

Clarks Hill largemouth are a different breed. I was there a couple of weeks ago with Jon Hair, a regular on the tournament scene on this east Georgia reservoir, and we had a blast on an 85-degree afternoon catching topwater schoolies in 50 feet of water over hydrilla beds. There was no difficulty when it…

Wild In The Kitchen: Dove Casserole

Dove Casserole 8 dove breasts1 medium onion, minced2 tablespoons margarineGarlic salt, to taste1 bay leaf1 teaspoon crushed rosemary1 cup white wine1 cup water2 cups whipping creamSalt and pepper, to taste1/4 bell pepper, minced Saute margarine, onion, garlic, bay leaf, rosemary and bell pepper in skillet until onion is clear. Add dove and saute until brown.…

Gear Up: ThermaCELL Insoles, Trulock Turkey Chokes

Keep Toes Toasty With The New ThermaCELL Insoles ThermaCELL ProFLEX Heated Insoles foot warmers are the newest addition to the ThermaCELL line. Designed to make any cold-weather activity more enjoyable, they have all the features of the original ThermaCELL Heated Insoles, but the new ones are more flexible, comfortable, have longer use time, contain a…

South Georgia’s Record Non-typicals

In spite of the fact that Georgia’s 2013 deer season produced few entries for the Boone & Crockett Club’s records books; hunters took a significant number of outstanding bucks around the state. Several of these deer placed high in individual county rankings, and in a few cases, new records were established. Two of these records…

The Mentor Of Blues Bog Part 4

Dillon Craft tossed and turned all night unable to sleep for replaying the sound of the high-powered rifle shot he had heard at midnight from the direction of Blues Bog. He could just imagine some night hunter dragging his 13-pointer away… At first light he sped out of the farmyard on the 4-wheeler heading for…

Poached Buck Recovered By DNR Law Enforcement

There will be one less Fab-40 caliber buck on the prowl in Jasper County this fall after a giant 9-pointer was poached in a pecan orchard on Fellowship Church Road early in the morning of Sept. 28. On Wednesday, Oct. 1, DNR Ranger Freddie Hays received information that a Jasper County buck had been poached…

West Point Fishing Report November 2014

West Point: Level: 4.6 feet below full pool. Temp: 65-72 degrees. Clarity: Mostly clear. Bass: Good. Guide Keith Hudson reports, “As the weather continues to cool down and the lake level continues to drop, expect more fish, especially spotted bass, to stack up on structure such as humps, ledges, roadbeds and brushpiles in 15 to…

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