December now, over half the whitetail season behind us, and yours is likely in one of three phases: full freezer, still waiting on that ONE—or cluelessly wondering where all the deer have gone. In the latter case, think maybe it might be time for a change? I’ve watched the evolution of Georgia deer hunting from…
A Crawford County sportsman made a great shot and thought he bagged the biggest racked buck of his life. He did, but this one came with a surprise. With all due respect to the late radio great Paul Harvey, “… and now for the REST of the story.” Justin Buchanan, of Roberta, hunts a 53-acre…
Sumner Powell is no stranger to the deer-hunting limelight. At age 8, the now Tift County High School junior became one of the youngest participants ever in the GON Truck-Buck Shoot-Out. He didn’t win, but he was a crowd favorite as he advanced through the single-elimination rounds and made it to the final 10 shooters.…
For four years, cameras recorded the periodic appearances of a giant 170-class white-tailed deer roaming Monroe County, but no human eyes ever saw the monster buck—until one special day. “This deer usually came out between 2 a.m. and 6 a.m.,” said Hunter Roberson. “Nobody ever saw him in person during daylight. I have a stand…
Fate doesn’t allow us to determine exactly how or when we’ll leave this earth, but Erin Temples and her brother Cole find peace in knowing their father passed away exactly how he wished. No hindsight ip unit displayed. Their father, Dan Temples, of Milledgeville, died of a surprise heart attack on Oct. 19 shortly after…
Jeremy Doss and his 10-pointer — hear the history with this buck that goes back to 2018. View All Bucks
There are 159 counties in the state of Georgia, and each is quite different when it comes to the quality of deer hunting and the quality of bucks it might produce. That’s one reason GON’s Georgia Deer Records are so valued. Banks County in northeast Georgia isn’t known as a top trophy-buck county. The No.…
Lindell Richey, of Claxton, is a deer-dog hunter at heart. With 22 canine mouths to feed at home each day, he never imagined he’d kill a 200-inch buck in Greene County—on a piece of property where’d he never been—while sitting in a deer stand. “I wasn’t even going to go,” said Lindell. “But my brother-in-law…
The term “monster buck” is generally used to describe a deer with a large set of antlers on his head. But in the case of this Morgan County monster, it’s more than the size of the antlers that make it monstrous. He’s got a set of antlers that are not only large, they are downright…
On Oct. 22, Chad Zauner, of Waycross, managed to knock down what’s sure to be one of the biggest Ware County bucks of all time. In doing so, he also managed to win a cool $5,000 in the process. Not bad for opening day of rifle season. “I first started getting pics of this deer…