Georgia’s Stolen Boone & Crockett
Brad Gill | November 29, 2022

All that remains of Randy Cook’s incredible Pike County buck are the memories and a few blurry photos. Below is Randy’s son pictured with the buck on the day it was killed, Nov. 17, 1984. Note the amazing tine length. Above: There is a split tine on the buck’s right antler near the hand that is holding the rack.
Have you seen this Pike County buck? We recently got a call from the hunter who shot him in November 1984. The gentleman’s name is Randy Cook, and he’d simply like to have his buck back if it’s floating around out there somewhere.
GON published an article in September 1994 called “Georgia’s Stolen Boone & Crockett.” Randy killed the deer in 1984, and it was stolen from a taxidermist shop in Pike County not long after the kill. Now that 38 years have ticked by, Randy is hoping the individual who stole the deer has passed the rack down or it has somehow ended up in someone’s home or shop who doesn’t know the history behind the deer.
Randy said the deer was never officially scored, but he’s been told it may make the B&C minimum of 170 inches. When Randy talked to GON last month, he didn’t appear to be angry or even bitter. To him it wasn’t necessarily about the score or record book. He just simply wanted to see his deer rack again and make sure it’s a tangible part of his family’s outdoor history. If you know the whereabouts of this deer, Randy would appreciate a phone call at 770.550.7210.
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