Walker County Fishing Rodeo for the Best of Causes
This event offers kids the chance to fish, and it also helps to raise money for a very special kid
GON Staff | July 28, 2006

Grant Taylor was born with Epidermolysis Bullosa, a skin disorder that affects one out of every 50,000 babies. A Walker County fishing event will raise money for DebRA, an organization looking for a cure.
Grant Taylor, 7, was born with a skin disorder called EB (Epidermolysis Bullosa). The disease causes the skin to be extremely fragile, where the slightest bump can cause his skin to peel or blister. Thankfully, there’s an organization dedicated to finding a cure. Called DebRA, the non-profit organization has been around for more than two decades, and they say genetic research is making progress toward treatments and a cure.
On Saturday, September 9, Waterville Baptist Church will host its fourth annual Fishing Rodeo to raise money for DebRA. This annual day of fishing fun will start at 8:30 a.m. and will take place at Thomas Dairy Farm north of Trion in Walker County.
“Waterville Baptist Church has raised $34,000 in three years,” said Mandy Taylor, Grant’s mom. “The only way we raise money is through donations. We don’t charge people to fish or eat. Anyone can come over and fish and have a good time. If you want to donate $1 you can, if you want to donate $200, that’s great, too.”
This fishing event is for anglers of all ages, and there will be big-fish and most-weight prizes.
Grant is from Summerville and will be at the event. However, because his hands stay bandaged, he’s unable to fish.
“He likes to go hunting,” said Mandy. “His grandpa built him a hunting hut, and he’s decided we’re going to move that behind the house, and we are going to crossbow hunt.”
Although Grant can’t actually handle a weapon, he’s talked his mom into buying a crossbow for herself so she can take Grant hunting.
“I promised him this year I’d take up the crossbow, so that he can go hunting with me behind the house,” said Mandy. “We watch The Outdoor Channel all the time. Everybody knows Grant is a deer hunter.”
This year’s money will go straight to DebRA, which Mandy is hopeful will find a cure for her son faster.
“They tell me it’s going to be between five and 10 years, and they hope to have some type of tretment,” said Mandy. “He’s bandaged from head to toe like a little mummy. His skin is just raw. Sixty percent of his body is like an open place.”
The website for DebRA is
To get to Thomas Dairy Farm from Trion, go north on Hwy 27 five to seven miles. Turn right on Hwy 151. Look for yellow fishing-event signs. Go about three miles, and turn right on Halls Valley Road. Go two miles, and look for Thomas Dairy Farm on left. If you have any trouble call (706) 638-6857.
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