Special Hunter-Education Course Offered During Outdoor Blast
GON Staff | June 5, 2015
GON is again offering a hunter-education course on Saturday from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. during at the Outdoor Blast. This course will get young hunters certified, but there are some special requirements for the course.
• Known as a “Refresher Course,” this hunter-education course at the Outdoor Blast is only for those individuals who have first completed either an online hunter-education course or the CD version of the hunter-education course. This must be done prior to showing up for the July 25 hunter-education course at the Outdoor Blast.
There are four online hunter-education options, and they can be viewed at Click on “Hunter Education Course.” Online hunter-education courses range in price from $9.95-$24.50.
The CD version of the hunter-education course is free and can be obtained through your local Game Management office. Call (770) 918-6400 if you need your local number.
When completing either the online or CD version, there will be an affidavit to print out and sign. Bring the signed affidavit and a pencil or pen to the hunter-education course at the Outdoor Blast.
• In addition to taking the online or CD course, this year’s hunter-education participants MUST SIGN-UP ONLINE for the hunter-education refresher class at this year’s Outdoor Blast.
To sign up for the Outdoor Blast hunter-education class, go to Click on “Hunter Education,” and search for classes in Gwinnett County. Space is limited, so sign up quickly before all the spots are gone.
Hunter Ed At Blast
The hunter-education course at this year’s Outdoor Blast will be on Saturday, July 25 from 10 a.m. until 1 p.m.
After paying (for those 13 and older), go down the escalator. The classroom is adjacent to the escalator, but there will be someone wearing a hunter-education shirt directing you on where to go.
Children 12 years of age and younger are free to get into the Outdoor Blast. The ticket price for everyone 13 and older is $8.
Hunter-education courses are free, but if you take the course at the Outdoor Blast, those 13 and older have to pay admission to get into the Blast. If you care nothing about seeing the Outdoor Blast and don’t want to pay, there are lots of other hunter-education classes available through
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