Tried & True Turkey Hunting

I picked up the small tube call sitting beside me and threw a couple of yelps down into the steep, hardwood bottom below. I thought it sounded pretty good and apparently so did the three north Georgia gobblers that showed up not too long after. It was all new to me then, and the resources…

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Finding Memories

The drift of smoke from a chimney somewhere distant instantly grabbed my attention and caused my mind to rewind to years a long time ago. It reminded me of my boyhood as I walked this very logging road I was now on, but I was a kid then, likely still shy of my teens, and…

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Keeping It Real For Turkey Hunting Success

There was a time years ago when I tried pretty hard to convince my younger brother, Walter, to go turkey hunting with me. I had experienced some early success in the turkey woods and curiosity eventually got the best of him.  The first day we went to the turkey woods together, I managed to call…

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The Broad Perspective Of Turkey Hunting

“Turkey hunting? You have lost your mind!” I remember saying. That was the response I gave to my longtime friend Cal Marsh over three decades ago when he suggested we go turkey hunting. He had been a few times before he made that suggestion, but I had never hunted anything in the spring woods, except…

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Long-Range Gobblers

It had been a long time since my oldest son Devereaux and I had been able to turkey hunt together. The last turkey hunt we had shared had been a few years back. His duty in the United States Army had taken him to a baron, turkeyless place called Afghanistan, and since his return we…

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Old Habit Gobblers

My son, Devereaux, and I made our way along the old, worn trail in the morning darkness toward our listening spot. I knew where two birds likely were, and I also knew we would be nowhere near them to start the morning. I had hoped there might be other birds closer to where we would…

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Gobbers Up Close And Personal

Surprisingly, there wasn’t a single truck at the gate when I pulled into the parking area in one of my favorite old spots. I had gotten there early in hopes of beating the crowd. It was only 4:15 a.m., but I was still surprised. I sat there in the truck for another 15 minutes rethinking…

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