Realtree Kids Scrapbook – April 2021
Reader Contributed | April 5, 2021
Send us a picture of your GON Realtree Outdoor kid. Email image and caption details (name, hometown, age, and county where critter or fish was taken) to [email protected].

Evan Roberts, 10, of Tifton, was hunting with his Pops Dice Roberts over Thanksgiving in Worth County when he killed his first deer.

Lucky Hat Moment: Hagen Sanford, 10, with a catfish for the fryer caught in Crawford County on March 14.

Hutch Tully, 6, of Fortson, took this fantastic first buck on Dec. 5 in Harris County with his dad, Phillip.

Jackson Hardee, Maverick Travis and Zane Dyal on their first coon hunt in Appling County. We hear they are now hooked!

Here’s a fine Tift County 8-pointer for Julianne Hogg, 8, of Tifton, on Dec. 5.

First squirrel for Kason Spivey, 6, of Thomasville, while he was hunting in Thomas County.

Landon “Jake” Simpson with a bass he caught in Early County.

Langston Wright, of Holly Springs, took advantage of the COVID pandemic and went fishing on Lake Lanier with his dad, Jim, last spring.

This 10-point buck was killed by Macyn Canady, 10, of Evans, on Oct. 31 while hunting in McDuffie County.

Makiah Lofty, 12, caught this bass in a neighborhood pond in Murray County last summer.

Malea West, 10, of Midland, was fishing Eufaula with Capt. Sam Williams and caught this bass.

Mason Sullivan, 13, rolled this Lowndes County longbeard on March 28, 2020.

While hunting with Paw Paw in Monroe County, Matthew Barfield Jr., 6, of Williamson, shot this deer.

Parker Cox killed a jake and then said he was wanting a mature tom. He got just that while hunting in Mitchell County last year.

This Wilkes County tom was killed by Ryder Hilsman, 9, of Madison, on March 21, 2020.

Eleven-year-old Sam Hickman, of Waynesboro, connected with this Burke County buck on Oct. 25.

Timothy Fuller, 5, of McDonough, with a pair of squirrels he took on an afternoon hunt with his dad James.

Top Peterson was 10 when he caught this bass on April 5, 2020 in Montgomery County.

Treyton Mitchell, 14, of Buckhead, killed this Morgan County 9-pointer on Oct. 13.

Tuff Harrison, Wyatt and Eli Holloway, of Round Oak, with some nice crappie caught at Lake Oconee.

Wesley Joyner, 9, of Roswell, with his first buck taken in Monroe County on Nov. 23.

Wyatt Schoenith, 8, of Brookhaven, with a Jasper County bird taken March 14, 2020.