Letters To The Editor – October 2018
Reader Contributed | October 8, 2018
A Vote For Kemp & Duncan Is A Vote For Hunting and Fishing
Dear GON,
I last wrote a letter regarding the 2016 presidential election. We are fortunate for many reasons that President Trump was elected, especially regarding the Supreme Court.
I am again writing you regarding politics. We as outdoor enthusiasts must be concerned about our rights, especially issues like the 2nd Amendment. I know people all over the state and have talked to many of them. I believe I have a feel for the political climate in Georgia. From my information, I believe again that the general election in November in Georgia, not to mention the entire country, could affect us for years.

Brian Kemp (left) hangs out with Shannon Chastain and his son, Grant, at the 2017 GONetwork SEEDS Dove Shoot at the Claibourne Darden Farm in Taliaferro County. Kemp is a lifelong sportsman and has long been a GON member.
We must vote and highly encourage all of our relatives and friends to vote. We must vote for Brian Kemp for Governor and Geoff Duncan for Lieutenant Governor. They are by far the best candidates for these positions.
Very liberal democrats would be detrimental to sportsmen and conservatives. A very liberal democrat could be detrimental to our conservative ideals. This could be a very tough race. GON members could make the difference.
Also, we need to vote for all republicans running for the U.S. House of Representatives. I cannot stress how important your vote is. I appreciate everyone doing all they can to help our cause. Thank you.
Dr. James Cox, Climax
Consider Joining GTA To Learn How To Better Trap
Dear GON,
When I read Tom’s Smith letter in the August issue about him finally catching his first coyote, it reminded me back when I was struggling to catch my first yote. I had met a nuisance trapper and tried to get him to share some tips on how to set my traps. In a roundabout way, he let me know that I would have to figure it out on my own.
Not long after that, I read an article in GON on trapping written by a Georgia Trappers Association (GTA) member. After reading the article, I researched the GTA and attended their annual convention. There, I met some of the nicest and most interesting people you could ever imagine, all with one thing in common: The love for trapping!
I’m inviting Tom Smith and anybody else who has an interest in trapping to join GTA. I promise you will meet friendly, like-minded people who are more than willing to share tips and tricks of the trade.
Aaron Midkiff, Hampton
GON Social

GON Twitter: Chris Ford @CFordbirddown tweeted “Couple of firsts today! @GONMagazine #doveseason.”

GON Facebook: Dustin Hallman has nicknamed this albino raccoon “Cotton.” The unique critter lives in Meriwether County.

GON Instagram: Nick Murphy, of Marietta, with a great bow buck taken from northern Fulton County on Dec. 3.
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