
Letters To The Editor: October 2024

Reader Contributed | September 24, 2024

Tracking dog handler Tim Oller (left) with Rob Ottley and the deer he took last year. He needed the Oller’s tracking dog to help make the recovery.

Thankful For GON’s Tracking Dog List

Dear GON,

Just a quick note to thank you for again publishing the tracking dog list in your September issue. My son, Rob, shot a fine buck last season but couldn’t find it in the trash brush that had sprung up after a clear-cutting at our deer club. He and his son spent well more than an hour looking for it.

I had three nearby tracking dog handlers from your previous list in my phone.  Due to other calls, the nearest handler couldn’t get to Rob for several hours. When he arrived, his dog found the deer in less than 30 minutes. Well worth the wait.

Had it not been for your list, a fine trophy buck would be a skeleton lying in the woods to this day.

I’ve updated my tracking dog list from your current issue, but hope we don’t have occasion to use it in the coming season.

If there’s one hint I could pass along to other readers, it would be call earlier than later. These fellows get booked up quickly.

John Ottley Jr., Johns Creek

Great Column On Climate Change Last Month

Dear GON,

I really enjoyed Garry Bowers’ article “About That Climate Change.”

I agree with everything he said about the climate change except his comment: “So what is the point of all this hypocrisy? Three things: Money, money, money.”

In my opinion it’s about Money, Power and Control! Much like gun control, this is a way to let the elites make decisions for the rest of us. They think they are better suited to run our lives than we are. Notice that the rules and laws they want in effect never apply to them. It’s do as I say, not as I do.

Ronnie Garrison, Griffin

Trespassing Turns To Theft, Where Is The Honor?

Dear GON,

I’m not one to write, but as a retired person, I can see my hunting career coming to an end. I’m on an exercise program, so I’m still able to climb, but that may be ending soon.

I hunt in western Cobb County and I’m fortunate to have neighbors from Chicago who allow me to hunt their land. I had the good fortune to let a 120-inch deer go. I’ve even let a 150 walk. What I’m not seeing is those deer the next year. I guess I’ll get to the point.

About two weeks before this season began, someone stole the SD card from my trail cam and turned my other camera off. Just yesterday, they put something in my feeder, and the deer didn’t feed. I want to say, where is the honor?

Tom Strickland, Kennesaw

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Janet Griffin, of Barney, with a nice buck from Brooks County that she killed on Nov. 28.

Britt Burrell, of Flowery Branch, caught this Lake Lanier striped bass in August. It was her first time ever fishing for stripers.

GON subscriber Justin West, of Jackson, with a crazy-racked 10-pointer from McDonough taken on Sept. 14.

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