Letters To The Editor: November 2022
Reader Contributed | November 1, 2022

Message From GON Writer Duncan Dobie: I’ve been volunteering in Cobb County with the NRA folks who are sending out postcards and knocking on doors to targeted voters in Kennesaw and the Cobb area. Here is one of the postcards.
Vote Red On Nov. 8
Dear GON,
This next election could decide if we stay a country that honors our Constitution, or we continue down the path of socialism that we are on currently. Tucker Carlson said on Sept. 14 that democrats want a one-party system, that’s totalitarianism. You either agree with them, or they will destroy you like they are doing now.
Abrams and Warnock love Joe Biden and totally support his goal of total government control of all aspects of your life. We must elect a conservative majority. If we don’t God will turn his back on us if He hasn’t already. This country and our freedoms will be destroyed. God is not going to continue tolerating this Anti-Christian corruption. This is the battle of our lifetime, and we are losing right now. The bottom line is you and your family must vote, and you need to talk to anyone you can about voting for republicans. We have got to elect Gov. Kemp and Herschel Walker, plus republican U.S. House of Representatives across our state. Also, vote for republican candidates in our state legislature. Please help their campaigns, send money, put up signs, make calls, whatever you can do. I refuse to believe that Georgia is a blue state. I do believe we will win in Georgia and across the country. VOTE! Thank you.
James Cox, Climax
Whitetail Hunting At Its Simplest And Best
Dear GON,
I just finished reading Daryl Gay’s article Whitetail Hunting At It’s Simplest And Best and thoroughly enjoyed it. I’m a few years older, but I’ve had many of the same experiences as Daryl, like pretty much living in the woods or on a creek all my life. I killed my first deer, a spike with a death wish, in 1972 with a borrowed 12 gauge and a slug. Although I now hunt with a Remington 700, it’s an .06, too, but my climber was a death-trap Baker Mighty Mite.
I guess I found my place a long time ago, and like Daryl, I don’t plan to hang up my guns anytime soon. Thanks, Mr. Gay, and happy huntin’!
Randy Smith, Subligna
Editor’s Note: Daryl’s story is available at
GON Social

GON Instagram: Jessica Stephens with a 7-pointer that she took in Cherokee County on Oct. 9.

GON Facebook: Luke Russell with a great recurve buck from Dawson County.
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