
Letters To The Editor: September 2024

Reader Contributed | August 30, 2024

Ladies Wildcard winner Savanna Davis took a 13-pointer two days before her 13th birthday to make the Truck-Buck Shoot-Out this year. We enjoy seeing families show up to support those competing for the John Megel Chevy.

Young Lady Qualifies For Second Shoot-Out

Dear GON,

We just want to take time and say thank you to all involved at GON. We have been lucky to be a part of the Shoot-Outs twice so far.

When our daughter was 10 years old, she shot her first buck, which was a 10-pointer that scored 143 without deductions, which was the biggest buck anyone in our family has ever shot. We explained to her that this was a trophy buck, and she might not get another one like it in her lifetime. That took place in 2020. We then entered her in the contest, and she won a week of the GON Youth Big-Buck contest. While at the Shoot-Out, she had a great time at the Outdoor Blast. She got to be involved with the snake show and tried her best with the BB gun in the Shoot-Out. She got to take home a gun swivel, and boy was she stoked!

Fast forward three years later. She shot another giant buck, which was even bigger. Just shy of her 13th birthday by two days, she shot a 13-pointer scoring 158 without deductions. Boy did we make a mistake by telling her that her first buck might be her biggest buck because she proved us wrong. She is one lucky duck!

We entered her in Truck-Buck, and she won the Ladies Wildcard division. She would be shooting with the adults!

Although she didn’t win the truck, this taught her to be strong, even when she was going against mostly adult men, and that anything in life is possible, like scoring another big buck.

She got to win a cooler, a gift card, some deer attractants and a tree harness! But most of all the real trophy is hanging up on the wall at our home, and the memory of being in the tree stand with her will last a lifetime. We look forward to seeing what this hunting season will bring and to maybe get to be a part of this wonderful event again!

Davis Family, Indiantown, Fla.

Genesis 27:3 Go out into the open country and hunt some wild game for me! 

Daniel Moore won Week 15 of Truck-Buck and competed in the 2024 Shoot-Out. He shared with GON, “I had a blast and a lifetime experience I won’t ever forget. I enjoyed talking to you, and I am thankful for GON. Maybe I will be back in the contest again next year, Lord willing.”


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Kevin Carey with a 45.94-pounder caught in the Oconee River while fishing a catfish tournament in Laurens County.

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