Letters To The Editor June 2018
Reader Contributed | June 10, 2018
WMA Hog Killing Disturbing
Dear GON,
The article in the May 2018 issue about killing hundreds of hogs with a helicopter on a WMA was disturbing.
Hunters should have gotten a chance to hunt these WMA hogs. Why wasn’t there some type of extended hog hunting schedule prior to March 2018 to reduce the population?
Thousands of hunters who paid for a hunting license would have appreciated a special WMA hunt in summer 2017 or February 2018 before removing these hogs.
In the article, there was no mention of processing or donating these hogs. Were they left to rot?
This poorly thought out killing should be addressed on a public statewide level before any more incidents are planned.
Harry Evans, Savannah
Born To Turkey Hunt
Dear GON,
I am sending in a couple of photos (below right) of my granddaughter and hunting buddy, Caylynn Poss. The first photo was a turkey I killed on March 25, 2007, and Caylynn was just 19 days old. In the second photo, she was 11 years old and showing off her first turkey that she killed in Wilcox County on April 14, 2018. We hugged and high-fived, and I think I may have even shed a tear when she killed it. I have photos of the two of us with a turkey every year since she was born.
Caylynn loves anything outdoors, whether it’s hunting, fishing or riding a 4-wheeler. She told me a couple of days ago that she doesn’t understand why people like to stay inside all the time. I ask her why, and she said it’s just boring. I wish more kids were like this, and I’m asking each of you who reads this to take a kid hunting or fishing.
Proud Papa,
Larry Harrell, Abbeville

Above: Larry Harrell and his granddaughter Caylynn Poss, both of Abbeville, with a turkey he killed in 2007. Below: Larry smiles after Caylynn rolled her first bird on April 14, 2018.
GON Social

GON Twitter: Daniel Gregory tweeted GON after his brother killed this turkey: “10 1/2 beard, 1 1/4 spurs, Heard County Ga.”

GON Facebook: Daniel L. Henson III, of Auburn, with a beautiful 6-lb. spotted bass he caught from Lake Burton.

GON Instagram: Nice bow-killed doe for Lane Webb, of Hartsfield. Lane was hunting in Stewart County on Sept. 17, 2017.
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