Letters To The Editor: January 2023
Reader Contributed | December 31, 2022

Tommy Kirkland’s photos have appeared in many, many publications. GON is lucky to have worked with Tommy for more than 30 years.
Tommy Kirkland Photos Inspire
Dear GON,
Although I see wildlife photos in every GON, I have rarely thought about what it takes to capture the image of a turkey gobbling, a bass jumping out of the water or a mature buck making a rub. Two things I know it takes is time and someone devoted to the pursuit.
As I viewed the article “Read Rubs, Find Bucks” by Tommy Kirkland in the October 2022 issue of GON, I found myself staring at the beautiful, unique buck by his rub line in the main photograph on the page. After reading the article, I saw that the author had taken all the pictures used within the article. It’s one thing to put yourself in a position to kill a trophy buck, but it’s quite another challenge to put yourself in a position to photograph a mature buck in his sanctuary. I realize how thankful I am for devoted outdoorsmen like Tommy for bringing these treasured wildlife scenes to the GON community.
Keep them coming. You never know who will be inspired by your work. You might even get someone new interested in the wonderful world of hunting and fishing.
Andrew Curtis, Alapaha
Has Baiting Helped Georgia Deer Hunting?
Dear GON,
I think you should do an article on the affect of baiting in Georgia. I for one am all for baiting deer. I am a veterinarian and see nothing wrong with it. What I have seen over the past three years is the decline of mature bucks in my general area of Troup County on four different properties I hunt. It would be nice to take a poll to see how many hunters are in favor of a one-buck limit. If you look at other states that have exceptional bucks, this is what you will find. Just my opinion.
Dr. Brian Kirby, Troup County
The Last Pear
Dear GON,
My husband has subscribed to GON for over 35 years. We so enjoy reading GON from cover to cover. I just wanted to share some thoughts.
Many years ago we planted two pear trees in our backyard. We have watched those trees grow, and after five or 10 years they really started to produce. We have been watching the deer and the other animals enjoy those pears for many years. Those trees are now 30 feet tall.
In late August and September, the deer will come out in the middle of the day (every day, for weeks). They come in droves, stand on their rear legs and pull pears off the tree or simply shake the limbs until the pears fall. All of this is often going on with us sitting on the porch 10 feet away. Who needs TV with this kind of entertainment? We love to watch the mama deer come in with their fawns and the young bucks that follow shortly thereafter. Those big boys venture out, also.
We haven’t hunted in a few years, but thankfully we have wonderful friends and caring relatives who provide us with deer when needed. We’re always happy and grateful, as God has been good to us. We can truthfully say that we get that old feeling to go hunting when fall comes around, and we may just go back out one day.
A suggestion for those who really enjoy hunting and/or watching the deer is to plant some pear trees and enjoy the deer. And remember it’s usually getting very close to hunting season when the last pear falls.
Chris Colley, Loganville
GON Social

GON Facebook: James Cross tagged this impressive buck in Taylor County on Nov. 16.

GON Instagram: Mack Towery with a great buck from Gilmer County on Nov. 22.
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