The Ag-Pro Outdoor Blast is a sportsman’s show that brings together outdoor enthusiasts, industry experts and vendors under one roof. This event offers a unique opportunity to experience the latest gear, witness demonstrations and learn from seasoned professionals. But most of all it’s a weekend to gather with friends who enjoy the same hunting, fishing…
The 30-30 Ministries $1K Shoot-Out is back at this year’s Outdoor Blast. This special shooting competition gives contestants the opportunity to win $1,000 by breaking raw eggs with the same style pellet rifle used in GON’s Truck-Buck Shoot-Out. Anyone at the Outdoor Blast can qualify on Saturday, July 29 from 9:30 a.m. to 11 a.m.,…
Bald eagle surveys in Georgia revealed the iconic raptors nesting and fledging young at healthy rates this year, including in coastal areas where avian influenza hammered eagles last spring. Survey leader Dr. Bob Sargent of the state Department of Natural Resources said nesting success was average to above-average in areas surveyed. Sargent, a program manager…
A 12-year-old girl is undergoing a series of rabies shots after a beaver lunged out of the water and bit her. The girl was climbing a ladder or about to get on the ladder at a boat dock when the beaver latched on to her leg, dragging her into the lake. Don McGowan, a biologist…
Georgia Outdoor News is seeking volunteers to help with guest relations at the 2023 Ag-Pro Outdoor Blast. Volunteer duties can include greeting guests, providing information and checking for tickets at the showroom entry and exit doors. The Outdoor Blast is July 28-30. The show hours are 1 p.m. to 8 p.m. on Friday, 9 a.m.…
DNR is looking for input from fishermen on several proposed changes to trout fishing in the state. One of the most notable proposals that is raising eyebrows is the dropping of size limits on Waters Creek in Lumpkin County. The well-known trophy trout fishing spot currently has an 18-inch minimum length limit on brook trout,…
For the third straight year, competition turkey callers will have the opportunity to earn a trip to Nashville to compete in the Super Bowl of contest calling at the NWTF Grand Nationals. The 3rd annual Yonah Invitational turkey-calling competition, a Grand National qualifying event, will take place at the Ag-Pro GON Outdoor Blast on Saturday,…
The Coastal Resources Division (CRD) of the Georgia Department of Natural Resources is seeking help from recreational saltwater anglers in collecting data during the upcoming red snapper harvest season July 14 and 15. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) is allowing the recreational harvest of one red snapper per person per day with no minimum…
If snakes make you squeamish, you can sit in the bleachers and still enjoy seeing and learning about a variety of live snakes, including a huge diamondback rattlesnake and other venomous species. Or, if you’d like an up-close experience that might even include holding a non-venomous snake, the Ag-Pro Outdoor Blast features a must-attend event.…
A situation where a police officer shot and killed a bear in the backyard of an Elberton home was an unfortunate situation, but no charges will be brought against the officer, DNR Law Enforcement says. Elberton Police Chief Scott Marunich said he stands behind the action that the officers took, but his department is receiving…