

Wayne County Hog Jam 2021

A trip down to Jesup each year for the Wayne County Hog Jam results in the local board of tourism hosting a large crowd of fine folks—plus a huge pile of peeved and formerly pugilistic pork! The 2021 Jam, for instance, held Feb. 19-21, resulted in more than 3 tons of wild hogs being hauled…

Georgia Booner Surfaces From Jefferson County

A 2020 Boone & Crockett buck from Jefferson County was recently measured and as of now claims status as the best typical-scoring buck from last season. The 13-pointer, killed on Nov. 21 by Zac Peters, of Wrens, grosses 182 3/8 inches and nets down to 174 6/8, making it the first typical B&C buck that…

Turkey Changes Highlight Hunting Reg Proposals

Changes to the 2022-2023 turkey seasons were the most significant proposals in WRD’s hunting regulations package presented to the DNR Board on March 23. All of the proposed hunting regulations would take Georgia hunters through the next two hunting seasons, beginning in the fall of 2021 and running through turkey season 2023. For years, southeastern…

Outdoor Dream Foundation Chases Georgia Gobblers

Coastal landowners, guides and volunteers gathered over the youth turkey weekend to host eight kids with The Outdoor Dream Foundation (ODF) as they searched for longbeards. The ODF’s goal is to connect kids and families suffering from chronic or terminal illness with the outdoors. The entire hunt was funded thanks to a local turkey contest…

Trappers For Hire

In an effort to help hunters and land managers who might be having issues with predators, GON has created and will maintain a “Trappers For Hire” list. When you call a trapper, please discuss payment for services prior to having the trapper come out to your property. This online list will be updated throughout the…

12-Point Buck Shatters Tift County Bowhunting Record

Yeah… nets are for fishing, but when it comes to official scores for bucks, net scores are how they’re recorded. It is what it is. A Tift County bow-buck was one of those that got creamed by the scoring system, but it still came out on top as a new county record. Brad Hamm killed…

Do-It-Yourself Quail

When I grew up in the late 50s and early 60s, my house, in a suburb of Jacksonville, Fla., backed up to a large pine forest with underbrush that was about knee high but not too thick; perfect quail habitat. I can remember waking to the sound of the northern bobwhite quail calling to each…

Buy Hunting Land Series: Finding A Bargain Tract

Stephen, Wade, David and Doug were all setting around the office looking at the latest issue of GON. Stephen says, “This magazine is full of real estate ads. How does someone look at all these ads and find the best bargain?” Wade answered, “That’s easy enough, just look for the one closest to where you…

Antler Shed Science

Like most deer hunters, I love finding shed antlers. Perhaps it’s because each antler is as unique as a human fingerprint, or because it provides hints to where a buck lives, his age, his antler quality and even his dominance rank in the herd. Regardless, I view each shed antler as a prize worthy of…

Crash Course Gobblers: Hunting New Land

The alarm sounded at 2 a.m., and it was briefly a bit aggravating. Then I remembered the reason I had set it for such an early hour. We were going turkey hunting, but we needed to leave earlier than normal to drive the 2 1/2 hours to a place we had never hunted. My good…

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