Georgia’s Best Bow Bucks For 2020-21
Record year with 93 Book Bucks taken with bows.
Brad Gill | September 1, 2021
The 2020-21 season has tallied up 93 record-book bow bucks, the most ever recorded in a single season of Georgia hunting. There’s a chance that after GON’s Outdoor Blast scoring and a few late bucks that will trickle in this fall and winter that we could see triple digits in the number or record-class bow bucks taken in a single season.
The map to the right represents the number of P&Y bucks taken in each county. The counties in orange had at least one P&Y buck taken last year. We had no new counties make their first marks on the record book, which leaves 15 counties without a single Pope & Young buck.
For a complete listing of the P&Y bucks taken last season, all 93 of them are listed to the left.
In all, if you look at GON’s Georgia Deer Records at, Georgia has 1,527 Pope & Young bucks recorded. This number is a true testimony to Georgia, its hunters and the kind of bucks we’re growing in the Peach State. While it may not compare to Iowa or Illinois, Georgia is the state to hunt in the Deep South if you’re looking for the best chance to tag a mature bow buck.
To make it all even sweeter, GON continues to add photos and hunt stories online to GON’s Georgia Deer Records.
If you have old photos of the bucks you see listed online, or maybe you’d like to write your story of a buck killed years ago, that’s what is for. We want you to have a place in our online record book for your great-great grandkids to look at one day. Send what you have to [email protected].

No. 62 Typical: Brandon Colquitt, Oconee County, 130 7/8 inches.

No. 25 Typical: Brandon Jones, Carroll County, 140 5/8 inches.

No. 5 Non-Typical: Chad Slaughter, Lowndes County, 166 5/8 inches.

No. 83 Typical: Danny Loyd, Laurens County, 125 6/8 inches.

No. 6 Typical: Dayton Cannon, Bleckley County, 151 1/8 inches.

No. 77 Typical: Gerry Gilbert, Putnam County, 127 2/8 inches.

Jack Young, of Atlanta, with an Early County velvet-racked buck that netted 142 7/8.

No. 4 Non-Typical: Jack Young Jr., Macon County, 168 2/8 inches.

Nope you’re not seeing double. Jim Wimberly, of Cochran, killed two P&Y bucks from Dodge County last year, and they only scored 1/8-inch apart. The buck above was taken Sept. 24 and netted 137 3/8 inches (No. 34), while the 137 4/8-inch buck below (No. 33) was taken on Oct. 30. What are the odds?

No. 40 Typical: Matt Ballard, Wilkinson County, 137 0/8 inches.

No. 6 Non-Typical: Ricky Bantz, Randolph County, 165 inches.

No. 47 Typical: Thomas King, Clarke County, 134 4/8 inches.

Fulton County continues to shine. Here’s one of 121 P&Y bucks reported from Fulton. The hunter is Sutton Slover, and his 147 7/8-inch bow-kill was No. 10 on the typical list last year. According to GON’s online Georgia Deer Records, the buck is No. 20 of all-time for Fulton County typical bow-kills.
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