

Traditions: Part 2

By Brandon Adams and John Seginak 1933 “Good gracious, Buttermilk, there’s more huge buck rubs down thar than Jimmie Rogers and the Carter family have hit records!” “Come on now Junior, there ain’t hardly a deer track left in these mountains, boy.” “Well, by goodness, there’s at least one, and he must be a monster…

Lillie Anna Lyons Shoots Buck, Still Makes Softball Event

By Jay Jay Strickland This story actually began in early 2018 when I took Lillie Anna Lyons, aka Lillie Sue, on a deer hunt on the last week of deer season in January 2018. Lillie Sue wanted to kill a buck, but the rut was already over. I had a deer stand with lots of sign…

Hunting Options On Corps Property Around Georgia Reservoirs

There’s some good hunting on lands that surround some of the  U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) reservoirs, but permits are often required and there are various requirements regarding access and special regulations at different projects. On Lake Allatoona, hunting permit and fees have been canceled for the 2020-21 season, citing COVID-19. However, the 10…

Early Archery Season Tips, Food Source Updates

If a bowhunter wants to put some venison in the freezer early—and who doesn’t in light of what happened last spring in grocery stores—or wants to take advantage of that early window to get on a mature buck, here’s your statewide scouting report. GON’s team of Hunt Advisors are back, and as always, their info…

13-Foot Seminole Gator With A History

The 2020 Georgia alligator season is off to a good start, with reports of some huge gators already taken since hunting began Friday evening, Aug. 14 at sunset. GON will have full recaps and highlights of the season next month. One of the more interesting stories so far comes from Lake Seminole, where the Kilgore…

WMA Dove Fields

If the cost of a private dove field isn’t in your wallet this September, Georgia WRD does a good job in offering folks some public field opportunities. Thanks to Greg Balkcom with WRD, we’re able to provide readers with this list of public shoots, the crops that have been planted, the acreage of the field,…

The Squirrel Nest

Part One of Two, A Hunting Fiction Series The travel trailers were arranged in a nearly perfect circle that reminded Eugene of the covered wagons of the wild west. He leaned back in his folding chair watching his son try to build a fire. “Need any help?” Eugene asked. “I got it,” Joseph replied. Between…

WMA Youth Hunt Special

We owe it to the WRD crew for making plenty of public-land places for kids to be exposed to hunting. Below are the charts of every youth hunt that is available for any youth 16 years old and younger. Consider the following when making plans to attend a hunt. • For quota youth hunts, the…

Traditions: Part 1

By Brandon Adams and John Seginak   August 1933 “Where ya figger we oughta look?” Junior asked. “Let’s try up around Bear Knob, thar’s lots of water up there,” Buttermilk said. No hindsight ip unit displayed. Buttermilk Johnson and Junior Lanier were cruising the Fannin County mountains, looking for a jam up location to make…

Science Of Bowhunting Opening Day Success

“Let’s hunt ‘Crabdaddy’ on opening morning,” said Charles, owner of a tract of Morgan County land I hunt often. This was the name he had bestowed on a 150-class buck with forked G-2s and a distinct crab claw on his right main beam. Charles had taken dozens of game camera photos of this buck in…

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