

Realtree Kids Scrapbook – January 2022

Hunter’s Journal – January 2022

By Den Holder Growing up in the time before the internet, without cable TV and before cell phones inspired me to find the outdoors as a place of enjoyment. I can’t remember my first fishing trip or first hunting trip because I was too young. I spent every moment I could outside. I have hunted…

Letters To The Editor – January 2022

Fiction Story A Great Tribute To Glen Solomon Dear GON, Just finished The Trembling in the December 2021 issue of GON. It was another great fall fiction series. At the end, Craig bumped my heart with his note that it was written in memory of the great outdoorsman writer Glen Solomon. I will never forget…

Guns, Rods And Roses

People who look back on their high school days as the greatest time of their lives are the same people who say “No, officer, I’ve never had a license. I just finished a 30-year prison sentence yesterday.” When we were 16, we were stupid, maladroit and completely devoid of social skills. High school was a…

Great, Now Coyotes Are Carrying Machetes!

Email your pictures to [email protected]. Please include your name, GON subscriber number, hometown, county where the picture was taken, date, time and any interesting details for a caption.  

Scrapbook – January 2022

Send photographs to [email protected]. Please include hunter or angler’s name, subscriber number, hometown, county, date and details for a caption.  

WRD’s Hunt and Learn In Treutlen County

WRD hosted a youth Hunt and Learn program at a Treutlen County property, Rosemont Plantation, on Dec. 10-11.  Youth were part of the Oconee Community Mentoring Association Dream Team from Dublin. The OCMA is a community-based mentoring program that has provided resources and opportunities  for youth since 2009. This was the first experience any of…

Conservation Law Enforcement Corner – January 2022

The Conservation LE Corner is designed to highlight the efforts of Georgia DNR Law Enforcement Division (LED) officers who, among their many duties, protect Georgia’s wildlife, sportsmen and natural resources from game-law violators. Monroe County: This isn’t a case about a hunting or fishing violation, or even about DNR Law Enforcement officers making a case. …

Hunter’s Journal – December 2021

By Justin Tucker Holland Since I was little, I have always enjoyed taking my friends hunting and just being able to see the way they enjoy everything about it. Guiding hunts and teaching youth about how to hunt and respect nature has got me hooked on everything about it. And I have had some awesome…

Kids Outdoor Outpost – December 2021

Hunt In, Hunt Out The realization that there are more deer hunting seasons behind me than in front of me certainly causes pause. Lately I have been reflecting on the way I hunted when I first started, my knowledge of the environment that I was hunting, the strategies I devised and the overall understanding of…

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