Marben Staff hosted another Fish-n-Learn 1 on Oct. 8-11 at Charlie Elliott Wildlife Center. The participants and their parents learned how to fish for bream and catfish using live bait. Tackle, rod and reels, and a backpack tackle box was provided to each participant. Friday night classroom time was used to educate the young anglers…
Special Permits For Deer Killing Needs More Does, Less Bucks Dear GON, I hope you can help get some changes made to the current special permits allowing farmers to shoot bucks. I am on some leased property in Crawford County that has the potential for some nice deer to be taken from year to year,…
Are you eclectic? (Go ahead, I’ll give you a minute to look it up so that you can decide. How are we ever going to get you educated if I don’t toss challenges at you once in a while?) OK, got it? Good. That’s what I thought. Me neither. How about erudite? Awww, don’t even…
The family had just sat down for a big evening meal. It had become less common to have the whole family together since so many had moved away from the farm. Bill and Eva had bought the land when Bill came home from World War II in the 40s. It was all woods when Bill…
I went to see Ducky the other day to borrow his .22 rifle cleaning kit and, the weather being unseasonably warm, found him lounging by his little backyard pool. I’ve never actually seen him in the pool, but it does serve in his exercise regimen. His reclining lawn chair is on one side and he…
Bleckley County: Wild hogs have been deemed public enemy No. 1. Efforts to reduce their numbers range from federal invasive species dollars being spent on helicopter snipers to hunters using high-dollar night-vision weapons. If you’re going after hogs at night in bear country, be careful, as a pair of hunters in Bleckley County found out…
See yourself in the next issue of GON! Send photographs to [email protected]. Please include caption information including name, hometown, county, date and details.
Email your favorite trail-camera pictures to [email protected]. Please include your name, GON subscriber number, hometown, county where the picture was taken, date, time and any interesting details for a caption.
The Conservation LE Corner is designed to highlight the efforts of Georgia DNR Law Enforcement Division (LED) officers who, among their many duties, protect Georgia’s wildlife, sportsmen and natural resources from game-law violators. Wilcox County: On Oct. 20, 2020, Game Warden Kennedy received an email through Sgt. Greg Wade from Florida Wildlife Commission officer David…