Spy Cam – April 2022
Trail-camera photos from the Georgia woods.
Reader Contributed | March 30, 2022
Email your pictures to [email protected]. Please include your name, GON subscriber number, hometown, county where the picture was taken, date, time and any interesting details for a caption.

The Appaloosa Deer: This very unique young deer in Hancock County had a beautiful piebald pattern, including a forehead patch and white on its nose. Brian Reed got quite a few pictures of this deer during the fall of 2020.

Junior, Don’t Make Me Kick You: It’s never too early to try to establish dominance in Appling County. GON subscriber Jimmy Hallman, of Baxley, submitted this photo of the fight that was going on at his feeder this year. Jimmy got this photo on Oct. 6. We recommend the button buck get all four feet back on the ground and back away slowly…

Got ’Im In Crawford: GON subscriber Charlie Richardson, of Hogansville, got a trail-camera photo, and then he got the buck on Oct. 26, 2020. “Little did I know my GON membership had lapsed!” Charlie said. “Guys, keep your membership valid!”

Night Owls, Figuratively And Literally: What are the odds of a buck triggering a trail camera at the exact moment an owl is flying by? Not impossible, apparently! Ricky Peeples got this image in Madison County at 3:07 a.m. on Oct. 27.