

Hunter’s Journal – March 2022

By David Strickland Growing up in southwest Georgia in the late 70s and early 80s, hunting was basically just going to a dove shoot. It was on a dove shoot when I first remember meeting the Wilders­­—Littleton Sr., Littleton Jr. and Lynn.  You didn’t want to be near them in the field either. It left…

Old Habit Gobblers

My son, Devereaux, and I made our way along the old, worn trail in the morning darkness toward our listening spot. I knew where two birds likely were, and I also knew we would be nowhere near them to start the morning. I had hoped there might be other birds closer to where we would…

Oconee River Fixing To Load Up With White Bass

It’s breezy early in the day as Barry Hough and I motor up this northern section of the Oconee River, which has its origin just a few counties upstream. We’re an hour or so from Atlanta, depending, as always, on highway traffic. And it’s pretty much the same here on this gorgeous waterway. The locals…

The 2022 Georgia Turkey Hunting Special

You probably learned about the ancient Greek physician, Hippocrates, in high-school history class. It’s safe to say that your teacher never mentioned his name in the same breath as Georgia turkey hunting. Nevertheless, the old doc coined a phrase that surely fits as the 2022 Georgia turkey season is set to begin. Almost 2,400 years…

Tournament Reports – March 2022

Prince Opens Season With Big Win At Lake Lanier Alex Prince took a commanding lead to win the Boater Division in the American Bass Anglers Open Series held Feb. 12 on Lake Lanier. Launching at Laurel Park, the Blue Ridge, Ga. angler won by more than 5 pounds. His winning bag contained all spotted bass,…

Letters To The Editor – March 2022

WMA Squirrel Killers Need Trip To Woodshed Dear GON,  Last week I went to a spot on a WMA that I’ve gone to a few times this season. I usually manage to chase a squirrel or two there. This time I saw nothing and figured they just weren’t out today. Unfortunately when I got back…

Tough Task To Tackle

Compadre called the other day. On his flip phone. Needed help, as in manual labor. Go figure. “Lookahyeah, I need you to ease over and help me clean something out. It’s backed up so bad it’s filled three stories at the house.” “You live in a trailer…” “I know where I live! But I can’t…

Kids Outdoor Outpost – March 2022

From Field To Table As we close the book on another deer season, I’d like you to join me and reflect back for a moment.  How was your season? What made it good or not so much? As an older Georgia deer hunter, I have a different way of looking at it. I had the…

Realtree Kids Scrapbook – March 2022

Wildlife Managers Changing Gears On Turkey And Deer

Those who drive our wildlife management bus in Georgia are shifting the gears a bit. It’s been a while since I’ve driven a manual transmission, but it wasn’t so long ago that I don’t remember how obvious it was when it was time to shift. If the engine is stalling out or you’re revving the…

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