From the time I was old enough to crawl into a plywood boat on the Ocmulgee River, there’s one thing I was taught NOT to do: make noise. So why is this striper guide constantly rapping on the floor of his Ranger with the rubber-tipped butt end of a sawed-off walking cane? Because he’s learned…
“So, Jake, tell me about your resolutions.” Five. Four. Three. Two. One… “Wal, I jes’ ain’t peeved at nobody.” Five. Four. Three… “You ain’t peeved? What are you even talking about?” “Seems lak to me you gotta be at least a little peevish with a body to start one of them revolutions. An’ I jes’…
Late-Season Whitetails The technology available to today’s hunter has certainly changed the way we hunt. Want to know what time to be in your stand? Place a deer cam out on a well-used trail or area and have it set to send photos remotely to your phone. Some may set up an automatic spin feeder…
This is the way squirrel hunting ought to be—fast paced, lots of shooting opportunities and loads of excitement. Don’t get me wrong, there is nothing wrong with sitting under a big oak and waiting for the squirrels to come out, but I’m telling you that hunting squirrels with a good dog is a boat load…
By Den Holder Growing up in the time before the internet, without cable TV and before cell phones inspired me to find the outdoors as a place of enjoyment. I can’t remember my first fishing trip or first hunting trip because I was too young. I spent every moment I could outside. I have hunted…
Fiction Story A Great Tribute To Glen Solomon Dear GON, Just finished The Trembling in the December 2021 issue of GON. It was another great fall fiction series. At the end, Craig bumped my heart with his note that it was written in memory of the great outdoorsman writer Glen Solomon. I will never forget…
There’s still some deer hunting left—quite a bit if your county has the extended archery-only hunting until Jan. 31. However, it’s time for our GON Hunt Advisors to wrap it up with their final deer season reports. We will hear from our Hunt Advisors again soon during turkey season. NORTH GEORGIA Cherokee County: Tim Dangar, of…
VOTES, which stands for Voice Of The Educated Sportsman, is a GON survey that has been around for more than two decades. A question on the survey each and every year is Rate Your Deer Season, which gives us county-specific ratings that can be compared to historical trends. We’d like to hear how your deer…
People who look back on their high school days as the greatest time of their lives are the same people who say “No, officer, I’ve never had a license. I just finished a 30-year prison sentence yesterday.” When we were 16, we were stupid, maladroit and completely devoid of social skills. High school was a…