

190-Inch Middle Georgia 16-Point Bow Buck

“That deer’s going to be lucky to make it to 5.” That was a neighbor’s comment about the 5 1/2-year-old, 16-point buck killed on Friday, Sept. 27 by Matthew Hvizdzak. The buck came to the attention of Matthew and neighbors when it was 2 1/2 years old and already had an impressive rack as a…

Best Georgia Counties For Trophy Bucks 2024

A joy and highlight of deer hunting is the anticipation. Each sit, you just never know what might walk under your stand. And yes, while most of us hunt primarily to fill the freezer, even for meat hunters the sight of a big-racked buck ghosting through the woods gets the juices flowing like few things.…

Tricking Mature Bucks

It was opening morning of the 2023 rifle season, and I was in the perfect spot. I was in a box stand on a powerline that runs through our property in Laurens County.  But unlike the many years in the past, I didn’t have a bow in my hand. Heck, I didn’t even have a gun. I was…

Guest Editorial-Opinion: Forward-Facing Sonar

I’ve worked in the fishing industry for 18 years, and I cannot remember a time when the bass-fishing world was more divided than now. New technology, “forward-facing sonar,” has anglers at odds with each other. Essentially, with an expensive screen unit and a trolling motor-mounted transducer, anglers are able to see, in live time, fish…

Scrapbook – October 2024

Send photographs to [email protected] and please include name, subscriber number, hometown, county, date and details.                  

Keep It Simple: Hunting Doesn’t Have To Break The Bank

As deer season rolls around, the woods become filled with hunters ready to bag the big one for the wall or to fill the freezer. For all the enthusiasm you’ll find on social media, there’s also a growing sense that you need the latest and greatest equipment and gear to succeed in the field—a sentiment…

Georgia Trappers Association Convention: Great Event For All Level Trappers

As a member of the Georgia Trappers Association (GTA), I have had a front-row seat to the hard work, political advocacy and conservation efforts that make the GTA an essential organization in our great state. I am proud to be numbered among the men and women who invest their time, talent and energy into a…

Spy Cam – October 2024

Email pictures to [email protected]. Please include your name, GON subscriber number, hometown, county where the picture was taken, date, time and any interesting details for a caption. Or mail to GON Spy-Cam, PO Box 1589, Watkinsville, GA 30677.        

Get Rut Ready — A Coastal Kick-off

You know he’s out there, roaming around somewhere on the place. Ground sign here, trail-cam photo there, antlers everywhere… what’s it going to take for the two of you to meet up? He’s getting instinctively restless, is the buck, possibly not even realizing where these urges are coming from, but he is feeling the need…

Alapaha River Bass & Bream

Almost every GON fishing story involves a local expert, most often it’s someone with hundreds, if not thousands, of hours spent on the subject body of water. I’ve worked on many such stories through the years with GON, and it amazes me how much you can learn through the experience of others. I’ll go ahead…

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