Truck-Buck Week 17 Results 2020-2021
GON Staff | March 19, 2021
Week 17 (Jan. 1 to End of Season)
Hunter, County, Score
1. Kevin Duggar, Sumter, 130 5/8

Kevin Duggar’s buck is a great example of how pictures can be deceiving. Those beams are 24 and 25 inches long!
2. Robert Caldwell, Ben Hill, 127 5/8
3. Jayden Daniel (y) (l), Morgan, 113 1/8
4. Jim Lester, Dooly, *127 7/8
5. Chase Ledger (b), Sumter, 107 4/8
6. Randy Able, Meriwether, *122 4/8
7. Sara Hughes (l), Clarke, 106 2/8
8. Gracie Boswell (y) (l), Oconee, 103 6/8
Key: * Non-typical score, (y) youth, (l) ladies, (b) bow
To compare typical versus non-typical racks, divide the net scores into the minimums for B&C all-time record books; 170 for typicals and 195 for non-typicals, to get a percentage. The higher percentage ranks higher.
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