

2017 Truck-Buck Shoot-Out Ends After Epic Battle

To say the Truck-Buck Shoot-Out will test the nerves of contestants and the audience is a bit of an understatement. Just ask the wife of one Shoot-Out contestant, who said every time her husband stepped up on the stage for a shot she was so nauseous she thought she was literally going to get sick.…

Youth Deer Hunters In Georgia Have Their Very Own Contest

GON’s Youth Big-Buck Contest is back, and that means a Browning Trail Camera will be given away every week of deer season, and one youngster will win a grand prize $3,000 shopping spree at Adventure Outdoors in Smyrna. Plus, that grand-prize winner will get to spend a weekend at Woods-N-Water outfitters next hunting season. The…

For Big Bow-Bucks, Get ‘Em Early

Ask some of Georgia’s most successful big-buck chasers, and they will tell you the best time to kill a trophy buck is opening weekend of archery season. There’s long been a conception that the best time to kill a mature buck is during the rut, and that is indeed an excellent time because bucks abandon…

The Amazing 8-Point Bucks

Last year in early November, Crisp County hunter Jeff Davis was understandably excited to have just taken a great wide-antlered 9-pointer. Despite having one remaining buck tag, thoughts of encountering another trophy-class deer during the same season really never entered Jeff’s mind. However, there’s an old adage often quoted regarding hunting and fishing activities… “Never…

The Freak: A Survivor’s Tale

By John Seginak and Brandon Adams The big doe and her two fawns were bedded in a thick privet patch on the very edge of a large beaver swamp. A thunderstorm had rolled through earlier, and now at sunset the heat and humidity were almost unbearable. It was early September, 2010, and if the damp,…

New Hunter Mentorship Competition Starts Aug. 15

For the first time in Georgia’s rich hunting history, a competition is being held to encourage licensed hunters to carry someone new to the woods. We are excited to roll out the inaugural “Georgia Mentor Competition” this year. The competition will run Aug. 15, 2017—May 15, 2018, and we will be selecting and awarding prizes…

UGA Student Shoots First Deer, Hooked For Life

Personally and professionally I have taken people of all ages hunting. However, one of my most rewarding experiences was when I was mentoring an adult from an urbanized background in our Field to Fork program last year. Evan Stout, an undergraduate student at the University of Georgia, and I were 20 feet up a cedar…

Fawn Crashes Georgia Pool Party

Sherrie Joiner was hosting some friends and their kids for a pool party at her southern Dawson County home when a small deer fawn suddenly jumped into the pool. One of Sherrie’s friends, Heather Cox, just happened to be videoing the kids swimming when the fawn ran up, jumped through the iron bars of the fence, and…

Antler Show At Outdoor Blast

If seeing the amazing racks that will be on display at this year’s Outdoor Blast doesn’t get you fired up for deer season, you might want to trade in your camo for a golf shirt—or check for a pulse. Just announced is that the Buck Ashe mount will be on display at the 2017 Outdoor Blast.…

Deer Management In The New Era Of Coyotes

Hunters and deer managers face a new reality in the Southern woods. In case you haven’t heard—maybe you’re a new reader of GON—coyotes are here and having a significant impact on deer populations on some pieces of property. It’s a story we’ve been researching and telling for years. Just how dramatic an impact coyotes could…

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