Tyler Meeks Wins 2017 GON Youth Shoot-Out
Adventure Outdoors, Woods-N-Water and Browning Trail Cameras continue to make this a special Youth Deer Contest.
Brad Gill | September 6, 2017

Eric Wallace (left) with Adventure Outdoors was on hand for GON’s Youth Shoot-Out to congratulate Tyler Meeks, 14, of Hawkinsville, for winning a $3,000 shopping spree at Adventure Outdoors. Tyler also won a dream deer and hog hunting trip with Woods-N-Water. There to award Tyler with the trip was Dale Burley (right) with Woods-N-Water. All of the GON Youth-Shoot-Out winners won a Browning Trail. John Sadosky (back) was there to award those cameras.
Tyler Meeks, 14, of Hawkinsville, won a $3,000 shopping spree after winning GON’s Youth Big-Buck Contest Shoot-Out on July 28 at GON’s Outdoor Blast. In addition, Tyler won a dream deer and hog hunting trip with Woods-N-Water outfitters in Wrightsville. Tyler and his dad will be staying at a remote lodge, will be well fed, and they get to fish in a private pond during the middle of the day.
All our GON Youth Big Contest contestants were given a Browning Trail Camera to help with their deer scouting this season. John Sadosky, a representative for Browning Trail Cameras, was at the Shoot-Out to award those cameras.
The 2017-18 GON Youth Big-Buck Contest starts on Saturday, Sept. 9. One youth 15 years of age or younger will be back at Adventure Outdoors next year to spend $3,000 as they get outfitted for a dream hunt at Woods-N-Water.
Plus, we’re giving away 17 Browning Trail Cameras to each of our weekly winners. This is a great deal for just making sure those GON subscriptions are up to date.

John Sadosky stands with Tyler Meeks and Jaynee Webb, 12, of Elberton, and their Browning Trail Cameras.
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