

Truck-Buck Week 16 Results 2016-2017

Week 16 North (Dec. 24-30) 1. Johnny Walling, Whitfield Co., 123 4/8 2. Tommy Clack, (pl), Jasper Co., 108 5/8 3. Todd Coursey, Upson Co., 107 6/8 Week 16 South (Dec. 24-30) 1. Nick Campisi, Sumter Co., 141 7/8 2. Michael Brooks, Colquitt Co., 139 7/8 3. Chris Cook, Irwin Co., 137 0/8 4. Render Robbins,…

Truck-Buck Week 9 Results 2016-2017

Week 9 North (Nov. 5-11) 1. Jamie Sears, Morgan Co., 151 0/8 2. David Dyer III, Baldwin Co., 146 3/8 3. Ryan Willis, Meriwether Co., 138 1/8 4. Sam Porterfield, Meriwether Co., 137 4/8 5. Daniel Norton, Walton Co., 136 1/8 6. Kevin Yarbrough, Coweta Co., 130 4/8 7. Scott Franklin, Oglethorpe Co., 129 4/8…

Truck-Buck Week 2 Results 2016-2017

Week 2 North (Sept. 17-23) 1. Danny Gore, (b), Baldwin Co., 113 4/8 2. Jim Leben, (b), Baldwin Co., 111 0/8 3. Hunter Sutton, (y) (b), Walton Co., 82 7/8 4. Adam Hendrix, (y) (b), Hart Co., 77 0/8   Week 2 South (Sept. 17-23) 1. Rex Wallace, (b), Washington Co., 104 7/8 2. Dane…

Truck-Buck Week 7 Results 2016-2017

Week 7 North (Oct. 22-28) 1. Jim Harris, Crawford Co., 150 0/8 2. Cody Hammock, (b), Baldwin Co., 144 2/8 3. Daniel Hollifield, Meriwether Co., 140 6/8 4. Bill Lambert, Meriwether Co., 136 6/8 5. Randy Able, Meriwether Co., 132 7/8 6. Thomas Turcotte, Pickens Co., *147 4/8 7. Don Prescott, Richmond Co., 125 7/8 8. Bobby…

Truck-Buck Week 1 Results 2016-2017

*Non-Typical Week 1 North (Sept. 10-16) 1. Marvin Eavenson, (b), Morgan Co., 132 4/8 2. Matt Hughes, (b), Oglethorpe Co., 129 6/8 3. Bobby Brooks, (pl) (b), Dawson Co., 118 5/8 4. Colton Faulkner, (y) (b), Barrow Co., 117 3/8 5. Hunter Pressley, (y) (c), Oglethorpe Co., 93 0/8 Week 1 South (Sept. 10-16) 1.…

Truck-Buck Runner-Up Wildcard Results 2016-2017

In addition to the weekly winners, there are four wildcard categories, with winners in each category for the Northern and Southern zones. The wildcard spots in the Shoot-Out are for the best bucks taken by Youth, Ladies, Public-Land and Runner-Up. New this year, thanks to Havalon Knives, those eight wildcard winners will each receive a…

Truck-Buck Public-Land Wildcard Results 2016-2017

In addition to the weekly winners, there are four wildcard categories, with winners in each category for the Northern and Southern zones. The wildcard spots in the Shoot-Out are for the best bucks taken by Youth, Ladies, Public-Land and Runner-Up. New this year, thanks to Havalon Knives, those eight wildcard winners will each receive a…

Truck-Buck Week 4 Results 2016-2017

*Non-typical Week 4 North (Oct. 1-6) 1. David Prince, (c), Crawford Co., *159 0/8 2. Bobby Hendrick, (b), Oglethorpe Co., 112 3/8 3. Hunter Galloway, (pl) (b), Fannin Co., 98 6/8 Week 4 South (Oct. 1-6) 1. Randy Carlton, (b), Terrell Co., 142 3/8 Key: (*) non-typical; (pl) public-land; (b) bow-kill; (c) crossbow Return to main Truck-Buck…

Truck-Buck Week 15 Results 2016-2017

Week 15 North (Dec. 17-23) 1. Cabe Harrison, (b), Hall Co., 136 5/8 2. Kevin Yarbrough, Coweta Co., 120 0/8 3. Stephen Pontzer, Taliaferro Co., 114 7/8 4. Warren Hershberger, (b), Hart Co., 114 3/8 Week 15 South (Dec. 17-23) 1. Justin Roberson, Tift Co., 151 5/8 2. Bradley Cohen, (y), Grady Co., 138 2/8 3. Patrick Brown, Thomas Co., 134 5/8 4. Brandon…

Truck-Buck Youth Wildcard Results 2016-2017

In addition to the weekly winners, there are four wildcard categories, with winners in each category for the Northern and Southern zones. The wildcard spots in the Shoot-Out are for the best bucks taken by Youth, Ladies, Public-Land and Runner-Up. New this year, thanks to Havalon Knives, those eight wildcard winners will each receive a…

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