

Fab 40: Georgia’s Best Bucks Of 2018-19 Season

After several Georgia deer seasons in a row that fell below our state’s lofty standards for producing top-end, high-scoring bucks, last year was the rebound season we had been expecting. There were four Booners, bucks that scored high enough to make Boone & Crockett’s all-time record book. That’s the second-best year in the past 20…

Conservation Law Enforcement Corner – August 2019

The Conservation LE Corner is designed to highlight the efforts of Georgia DNR Law Enforcement Division (LED) officers who, among their many duties, protect Georgia’s wildlife, sportsmen and resources from game and fish law violators. McDuffie County: Some people can’t seem to resist the urge to post on social media, even when it can get…

Georgia WMA Youth Hunt Special 2019

The big news concerning all WMA youth hunts for this season is that WRD lowered the maximum age at which a Georgia hunter is now considered a Youth and can participate in quota and non-quota youth hunting opportunities. The new maximum age for a Youth is now 16 years old; it used to be 17.…

Lee Ellis Wins The 2019 Shoot-Out Truck

Lee Ellis is a name most Georgia hunters recognize. He’s killed some of the best Georgia bucks ever while bowhunting Atlanta’s tiny woodlots and pockets of habitat surrounded by neighborhoods and busy streets. Some of these Atlanta bucks grow stupid huge. This year was the third time Lee won a week of GON’s Truck-Buck Contest…

Georgia WMA Deer Hunting Special 2019

As we crank out yet another GON WMA Special, I’m not entirely convinced that people read anymore. I think we live in a society of scrollers, those who exercise their index finger night after night on the couch looking for anything on a cell phone they believe is worth briefly stopping on. Now, for those…

Linsday Thomas Jr. Earns Award For CWD Article

The Professional Outdoor Media Association (POMA) named Lindsay Thomas Jr., Director of Communications for QDMA, the winner of the 2019 Pinnacle Award in the Magazine category for an article published in Quality Whitetails magazine in 2018. The award was announced at POMA’s 14th Annual Business Conference on June 19. Lindsay began his career in outdoor…

Coon Dog Cemetery Hunting Club

Long ago they had named the club ‘Coon Dog Cemetery’ to honor the legendary dogs, hounds with names like Run-Around Sue, Ol’ Rip, Kentucky Mike and Wrong-Way Pete. Dogs that had found their final resting place in a small, sacred plot of ground at one end of the property. Over the years, as the deer…

Hunter’s Journal: The Rum Creek Buck

By Adam Reas So I was picked to go on the November rut hunt at Rum Creek WMA, which was a three-day hunt Nov. 9-11. I went up to Rum Creek on Wednesday, Nov. 8 and camped for three nights, but rain was in the forecast on the night of Nov. 11. I decided to…

Putman Phantom: Spunky Thornton’s 1983 Record Buck

Fate often plays an important role in the outcome of notable happenings in our lives. So much so that when we look back, it sometimes appears as though some strange force has carefully laid out a pre-determined series of events. The end results seem almost predictable. Despite the mystery of it all, this turned out…

BB Blast 4-H Showdown Comes To Ag-Pro GON Outdoor Blast

On Saturday morning, July 27, the state’s top 4-H youth BB teams will compete for cash prizes and bragging rights in the inaugural BB Blast 4-H Showdown. For the last year, GON has been working closely with Craven Hudson of 4-H Project SAFE to make this shoot a reality. If there’s one thing those who…

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