Dave McElwee, of Cedartown, captured a video of two deer standing on their back legs and duking it out in a boxing match for nearly 2 1/2 minutes straight. The video was captured in Polk County on Sept. 22. “I had just gotten home from playing golf and was sitting in my vehicle in the…
Heard County was once known throughout Georgia as a haven for deer hunting. After consistently producing some of the most impressive bucks in the state from the late 1980s through the 1990s, the county garnered a reputation as a top destination for both quality and quantity of deer. As a child in the late 1990s,…
It’s no secret that the rut is the best time to have an encounter with that old buck you have had your eyes on all summer. It’s seemingly the only time of year he really lets his guard down by chasing does all over creation in an attempt to spread his genes. To figure out…
Georgia hunters who got to the woods for opening morning of bow season were greeted with an unseasonable cool morning. Well, that was just a tease. Since then it’s been brutally hot and dry. Food plot seed that went in the ground is feeding the crows unless you were lucky to get pop-up thunderstorms, one…
The Top-4 Georgia counties for big bucks remained the same as last season. Worth County is still No. 1 based on the big bucks it has produced in the past 10 years, followed by Lee, Dougherty and Macon counties. There was some movement for the next grouping. Pulaski County came in at No. 5 in…
Thomas Pulliam, of Sandersville, has the new No. 1 bow buck ever taken from Washington County. His 10-pointer was arrowed Dec. 8, 2018 and netted 148 1/8 inches. We’re not sure exactly how it happened, but Thomas’ new county record was left out of GON’s Bow-Buck County Rankings and Georgia’s Best Bow Bucks lists…
Public-land hunting seems to have made a resurgence in the last couple of years. Whether that’s due to the onslaught of social media or the increased lack of private land or all of the above, it’s unclear. What is clear is that based on state agency numbers, hunting license sales are decreasing. That’s not good.…
Chimichurri sauce is a staple of cooking in Argentina. Every cook there has their own version. It is traditionally served with beef, but I’ve become a fan of the easy-to-make sauce on venison. In true Argentina fashion, I tested several recipes and came up with a version of my own. Several recipes that I found…
After creaming a big buck with his pickup truck on Sept. 11, Matt Shurley, of Cordele, likely hurt some poor hunter’s feelings. Ironically, Matt owns Buck Country Wildlife Consulting. On Sept. 11, he was driving on River Road north of Lake Blackshear and just south of Flint River WMA in Dooly County on his way…
For the 2019-2020 Florida deer season, the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) established a new youth deer hunting weekend, which occurs during muzzleloading gun season in each of the four hunting zones. FWC staff initiated the proposal to promote youth hunting and stakeholders were overwhelmingly supportive of this new opportunity. “Wildlife management areas…