As hunters, we are always searching for the next best spot. We spend hours upon hours of scouting, studying maps and hunting trying to locate that perfect stand location where we will see deer on every sit and hopefully catch that cagey old buck on his feet during legal shooting hours. If you ask around…
By Jason Rieder I worked all night Saturday night, got off around 7 a.m. and began my drive to Georgia. I knew I wanted to hunt that evening, so I only stopped for breakfast and gas. I arrived at the ranch around 1 p.m. I got showered and headed to the stand closest to the…
The Conservation LE Corner is designed to highlight the efforts of Georgia DNR Law Enforcement Division (LED) officers who, among their many duties, protect Georgia’s wildlife, sportsmen and resources from game and fish law violators. Gwinnett County: A simple inspection at a Gwinnett County taxidermy shop by DNR Law Enforcement Division (LED) officers began an…
If you live in Florida and hunt in other states, including Georgia and Alabama, the Florida Wildlife Commission wants you to be aware of new requirements related to importing deer carcasses back into Florida. In an effort to reduce the risk of Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD), the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) issued…
Amazing what a little rain and some cooler temperatures can do. Whether it actually improved the deer movement or not, it certainly improved the spirits of Georgia’s deer hunters. Many hunters, it seemed, had been in a heat-induced malaise that kept them from going to the stand as much this archery season. We’re now hearing…
It’s difficult to even get a handful of Georgia deer hunters to agree on anything, but every deer in the state is in complete agreement that it was a hot and dry summer. During those times, it’s natural that deer hunters want to know how the drought will affect the deer and their hunting seasons.…
Heads up if you’ve purchased a new airbow—they aren’t legal in archery-only counties. Guns and bows that use compressed air to fire bullets and arrows is a newer technology for hunting that’s growing in popularity. Georgia legislators passed a new law last spring making these weapons legal for hunting in Georgia. However, the Georgia law…
Dylan Kirkley, of Covington, has killed a deer that would make any midwestern hunter proud. His Newton County 17-pointer, only the second buck he’s ever killed, grossed 183 inches. “This is the second year we had him on camera,” said Dylan. “He showed back up in July (2019), and then he just disappeared for like…
Be warned, some of y’all ain’t gonna like this one, but what I’m gonna say needs to be said. What in the name of Fred Bear has happened to the hunting community? As I scroll through Facebook looking at deer pics enjoying everyone’s success, one trend is becoming more and more common, and it’s not a…
The sounds of rifles and muzzleloaders will echo through the Georgia deer woods beginning at daylight this Saturday morning, Oct. 12. The Georgia primitive-weapons deer season opens Oct. 12, and Oct. 12-18 is also the special week for youth deer hunters when kids 15 and younger can hunt deer with modern firearms. The exception is…