Venison Backstrap Parmesan My new favorite venison dish! So easy, and so good. 1 venison backstrap 1 24-oz. jar tomato sauce 1 8-oz. bag mozzarella cheese 1 8-oz. bag Parmesan cheese 2 cups all-purpose flour 1 can seasoned bread crumbs 3 eggs, beaten No hindsight ip unit displayed. Olive oil Wash backstrap and remove all silver…
The weather man was calling for a steady east wind with temps in the mid 80s. The date was Oct. 19, the day before opening of gun season last year. I had a spot in mind to go try that I felt might hold a good buck, and the east wind was perfect. I left…
The Conservation LE Corner is designed to highlight the efforts of Georgia DNR Law Enforcement Division (LED) officers who, among their many duties, protect Georgia’s wildlife, sportsmen and natural resources from game-law violators. Dodge County: On Saturday Dec. 22, 2018, Department of Natural Resources Law Enforcement Division game warden Allen Mills and Cpl. Dan Stiles…
We are now just weeks away from the 30th annual Truck-Buck Shoot-Out. Thirty years! That’s a fleet of John Megel pickup trucks GON has given away to Georgia deer hunters, and enough Browning deer rifles and Mathews bows to fill the beds off all those trucks. Eighteen weekly winners and four wildcard qualifiers are headed…
Every season seems to begin the same for me. Around mid-summer, I find myself standing in my closet staring at my camo remembering the previous season. This year is different for me. The memories of days gone by seem to be flooding my mind. There are memories of moments in time that I will never…
By Blake Brantley I have been an avid hunter for as long as I can recall. I grew up hunting deer, ducks and dove all around south Georgia with my father. Some of my fondest memories with my dad are of our trips to Lake Seminole to hunt ducks with Jack Wingate. I killed my first…
The hunter killing the second-highest scoring typical Georgia whitetail buck ever was recently given an award at the annual Georgia Outdoor Writers Association Georgia DNR Big Deer Contest awards banquet. This contest is Georgia’s longest running deer contest, which was started by the Georgia DNR in 1968. Roger Price easily won the Typical Firearms Division…
An earlier-than-normal deadline for alligator quota hunts highlights the beginning of the 2019-2020 hunting season for those who play the quota-hunt lottery game. WRD began accepting applications for all their quota hunts this morning, and a July 15 deadline for alligator quota hunts means it’s time to begin making plans. “Because quota hunts allow a…
Burke County: In September of 2017, DNR Law Enforcement Division (LED) Cpl. Jeff Billips responded to a complaint of a trophy buck killed illegally with a firearm during archery season. The buck was known locally by some hunters after being captured on trail-camera photos. And like most big bucks that are seen on camera, this…
Eighteen weekly and four wildcard winners are headed to the Truck-Buck Shoot-Out on Sunday, July 28 at the Ag-Pro GON Outdoor Blast. If you’ve never seen a Shoot-Out, make plans to be there. A Georgia deer hunter will win a new 4X4 pickup truck from John Megel Chevy, and another hunter is going home with…