

Proposed Regulations Changes for 2011-2013

Included in WRD’s proposed regulations changes, and open for public comment during meetings in April, are WMA user fees for non-sportsmen as well as significant changes to bear regulations, doe days in some northern counties, Northern Zone raccoon regulations and expanded hog hunting on public lands. Also, there are some new state park and WMA…

House Passes Amended Baiting Bill

The Georgia House of Representatives voted 122 to 48 to pass HB 277, the “Baiting Bill,” which would make it legal in the Southern Zone to hunt deer and hogs with no distance requirement from feeders or food like corn spread on the ground. From its original version that would have legalized baiting for deer…

Deer Baiting Now For Southern Zone Only; Shooting Exotic Animals in Fenced Areas Proposed

Sportsmen interested in potential big changes to the face of Georgia hunting should turn their attention to Georgia lawmakers currently in session at the Gold Dome in Atlanta. The “Baiting Bill” will likely be voted on Wednesday. For deer hunters it now only legalizes baiting in the Southern Zone. “Speak now, or forever hold your…

Baiting Bill Introduced

It’s usually good news when fewer proposed laws and law changes are introduced during a Georgia legislative session. So far this year it’s been a quiet session as budget concerns have dominated the scene. However, for hunters, a significant piece of legislation has dropped. HB 277 would legalize hunting deer and hogs near food or…

Bill To Legalize Deer Baiting Active In Legislature

It’s usually good news when fewer proposed laws and law changes are introduced during a Georgia legislative session. So far this year it’s been a quiet session as budget concerns have dominated the scene. However, for hunters, a significant piece of legislation has dropped. HB 277 would legalize hunting deer and hogs near food or…

Wild In The Kitchen: Venison Meatloaf

There’s no comfort food like meatloaf and mashed potatoes. With venison, you do not get the grease you do with cow burger, and the meat doesn’t hold together as well. So oatmeal and a little extra egg is needed as a binder. The good thing is, this adds another depth of flavor to your meatloaf.…

Bucks Lock Antlers, Drown In Pond

It wasn’t the news Jay Crouch, of Eatonton, wanted to hear on a December afternoon. His wife’s grandmother called to say there appeared to be a deer floating in her 3-acre pond, which sits on property where Jay and his son, Ethan, 10, hunt. In fact, they’d been hunting a big one all year. “I…

Three Legs And 169 Inches Of Antler

Need an example of how antler production can be affected by injuries, look no further than the crazy non-typical rack on this three-legged Clay County buck killed by David Herold, of Crawfordville, Fla., on Nov. 21. It’s going to be interesting to see how a scorer will stretch and bend the tape to come up…

Big Morgan County Bucks Lock Antlers During Fight

It was a typical late Tuesday afternoon for Rhonda Peppers, of Bostwick. It was Nov. 2, and she had come home from work and planned to do some afternoon housework. Her son, Dylan, was 3 miles away in a deer stand, and her husband, Donald, was getting in his truck to head off to work.…

48 Kids Attend Youth Deer Hunt

Dozens of middle Georgia landowners joined volunteers at Crossroads Baptist Church in Eatonton to host the second-annual “Sights Set On Jesus” youth deer hunt. Forty-eight kids from all over Georgia attended the Oct. 30 hunt. They killed 13 deer. Sights Set on Jesus is part of a youth ministry that began at Crossroads in March…

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