

The Brannen Booner

  Checking any recent issue of GON for land prices that include significant acreages of excellent wildlife habitat can be a brain-numbing experience. Less than 50 years ago these same types of properties, lands classified as unsuitable for farming or growing pine timber, had very little value. However, beginning in the 1970s and continuing through…

Baiting Era Begins in Georgia

Want to venture a guess about how many tons of corn will be sold in the weeks prior to the opening day of deer season? Some say it’s going to be shining yellow-acorn gold in the south Georgia deer woods this fall. However, others say so many hunters were already feeding that things won’t change…


Dec. 24, 2010: As the heavy Blazer powered into the sharp curve, the driver put all his weight on the brakes… but it was too late. Just as the Blazer skidded into the other lane, its front bumper smashed into the driver’s side door of an oncoming car. On a still, cold night, the collision…

Gray Giles Wins SEEDS Shoot Out!

  Prior to the culmination of this year’s SEEDS Big-Buck Contest, last year’s SEEDS Shoot-Out winner, Grayson York, of Martin, took the mic. “Keep your eye on the target, and squeeze the trigger,” Grayson advised. Gray Giles, of Perry, who was 13 when he killed his qualifying buck, apparently took the advice to heart. Fifteen…

A Community Solution For “If I Don’t Shoot It, The Neighbors Will”

  The 2008 deer hunting season came to a close with similar results as the 2007 and 2006 seasons. The 1,000 acres my family and close friends hunt provided us with plenty of opportunities to kill a doe or small buck but very few — if any — opportunities at a mature buck. We had…

Target Coyotes During the Fawn Drop

  Coyotes are omnivores and opportunistic predators. They travel alone or in small packs, hunting and foraging mostly at night and covering miles of ground in search of food. Nose to the ground and ears perked to scan the landscape as it passes, they remain alert to react quickly on any feeding opportunity or danger…

Governor Signs Baiting Bill

  Gov. Nathan Deal traveled to Tifton last week and signed the Baiting Bill, HB 277, during a ceremony at Abraham Baldwin Agricultural College. A press release sent by the governor’s office said the intent of HB 277 was “to attract more people to take up hunting through greater access to deer.” “People come from…

Deer Baiting Bill Passes

Legislators passed House Bill 277, “The Baiting Bill,” but they did little to silence the divide and emotional debate among hunters over the issue. HB 277 legalizes baiting for deer in the Southern Zone while keeping it illegal to hunt deer within 200 yards of bait in the Northern Zone. HB 277 will become law…

Father, Son And The Missing Deer

I walked into the living room of our Terrell County home and immediately noticed something amiss “Where’s the deer head?” I asked my wife who sat on the couch folding a load of laundry. “He took it with him,” she responded never looking up from the shirt in her hand. “Took it with him… What…

Poachers Sentenced in Dodge County Case

In a case that has raised the ire of area hunters, five people accused of numerous wildlife violations involving spotlighting deer and poaching turkeys in Dodge County were sentenced Feb. 28 after pleading guilty to all charges against them. Two remaining defendants in the case, who entered not-guilty pleas, are scheduled for a June trial.…

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