

A Dream Deer Hunt With Woods-N-Water

It truly was a dream trip for Grayson York, of Martin. The 10-year-old was the 2009 SEEDS Big-Buck Contest winner, and in late October he cashed in on his grand prize, a dream deer hunt with Woods-N-Water in Johnson County. Blaine Burley, of Wrightsville, has been president of Woods-N-Water for 15 years. Blaine has a…

Rut Tactics That Produce Bucks

From drag rags and rattling antlers to stand placement and climbing high, there are a myriad of strategies when it comes to hunting the rut. Who should you listen to? If it were me, I’d be real curious how the guys who killed good ones last year put their heavy-racked, rut-crazed bucks in the dirt.…

18-Point Booner From Worth County

In this age of instant information from emails and text messages, it’s common for the folks at the GON office to receive lots of photos of giant bucks supposedly killed in Georgia. Most are photos we’ve seen dozens of times of bucks actually from Kansas, Texas or some other state. We don’t get overly excited…

Trail-Cam Catches Cat Taking Down Heard County Deer

At the first glance, we thought we had the undeniable proof of cougars we have been looking for in our year-long cougar quest, but DNR officials have since pointed out a couple elements in these photos that leave species identification open for doubt. This series of photos was captured by Drew Atkins, of Franklin, on…

Golightly’s Suburban P&Y Survived Road Rash To Grow 162 Inches Of Antler

Kendall Golightly, of Atlanta, is another one of those guys who makes a killing, literally, from small tracts and backyards in Fulton County. Kendall arrowed his cover buck—aptly named “Tips” because of the crossing tips of its main beams—from a 3-acre tract bordering a subdivision last Oct. 1 in Fulton County. The twist to the…

Georgia Counties Ranked For Big Bucks 2010

When it comes to producing big bucks, the agricultural fields and the Flint River bottomlands of Macon and Lee counties are still king, and Worth remains third-best for the 19th year in a row, but the gap is narrowing between the south Georgia stalwarts and some counties to the north. Morgan County is poised just…

2010 Georgia DEER SPECIAL

White-tailed deer have had a rocky existence since European settlement in the eastern United States. Decades of market hunting, habitat destruction and lack of game laws ultimately exhausted the Georgia deer population by the turn of the 20th century with the exception of a few game preserves. At this time both laws and attitudes began…

Doe Gives Birth On Trail Camera

Did she have to do it in the middle of the dining room? A Pickens County landowner sent in the below incredible trail-camera photo of a doe giving birth this summer to what appears to be a healthy fawn. Trail cameras have changed the game for hunters and wildlife enthusiasts. If you capture something unique…

Small Food Plots On Small Tracts Yield Big Bucks For Kids

Imagine a crisp fall morning. With a light wind blowing directly in your face, conditions are just perfect for an October deer hunt. A young, inexperienced hunter sits beside you in a 20-foot tall tower stand as you stare down a narrow strip of clover and chicory. To the left is a beautiful hillside littered…

In Camp At Georgia’s Oldest Hunting Club

In a time when so many things are rapidly changing, it’s comforting to know that in a remote corner of our state, good hunting has remained the same — and for quite some time. The Portal Hunting Club, located on the Long/McIntosh county line, has been in existence for more than 100 years. This fall,…

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