

Set Goals For Quality Deer Management

For many hunters, quality deer management is the strategy of choice for their hunting experience. However, I’ve seen through my experience as a deer biologist working with many hunt clubs and landowners that many hunters don’t know what kind of results to realistically expect from various deer-management strategies. To facilitate realistic expectations, we can use…

Warm Season Deer Food Plots

Interest in food plots and quality deer management are at an all-time high with hunters and hunting-land managers across the nation. Producing better deer herds is the main goal. Given this increase in interest and available information on the subject, it is surprising how many food-plot programs consist of scratching in a few bags of…

Plant Spring Food Plots To Improve Your Deer

Spring and summer may be the times when your deer herd needs you the most. Don’t assume you can forget about deer now, and they will be big, healthy deer next fall. There are antlers to grow and fawns to feed! There is an amazing selection of spring plantings for sale. A recent survey of…

Buck Attacks Teen And Mom In Woods Behind Madison County Home

A 13-year-old Colbert teen and his mom were fortunate to escape serious injury after both were attacked by a 9-point buck on Feb. 11. Kyle Watkins, his twin brother Tyler, and two friends were playing with airsoft guns (used similarly to paint-ball guns) in the woods behind the Watkins’ Madison County home when the buck…

Wildlife in Mind: February 2010

A lot of hunters and habitat managers already own one of the best pieces of habitat-improvement equipment money can buy and don’t even know it. It’s their chainsaw. Good for much more than keeping the hunting camp supplied with firewood, a chainsaw ranks right up there with your food-plot equipment for its ability to create…

Upson County Lady’s Cover Buck Could Make B&C

This giant non-typical Upson County buck is said to gross 208 inches and could make the Boone & Crockett record book, if it nets above the 195-inch minimum. Susie Tate, a GON Truck-Buck entrant for Week 12 North, killed the buck just before dark on Dec. 2. Susie and her husband, Billy, spend half the year…


Wild In The Kitchen: Blueberry Venison Backstrap

Blueberry Venison Backstrap No hindsight ip unit displayed. Ingredients 2 tablespoons melted butter 4 venison loin steaks, cut one-half inch thick Juice and peel of large, fresh lemon (about 2 tablespoons) 1 cup chicken broth 4 tablespoons butter 1 cup fresh blueberries Several generous dashes ground cinnamon Few dashes ground ginger Salt and freshly ground…

Walton County Hunters Save Locked Buck

On Sept. 8, I was walking to check my trail camera for pictures at my Walton County hunting lease when I saw a deer from behind. I watched it about five minutes, and it never moved. I stepped to my left to see its head and realized it was a buck. I stood there for…

Deer Drives Done Right

The mature doe cautiously exited the Oglethorpe County clearcut and trotted toward the bottom of a deep ravine. Six other antlerless deer and a small 4-pointer followed her. The whole group hesitated before entering another thick cutover. I picked out the leader, converted her to tablefare, bolted in another cartridge and dropped the second largest…

Buck Rescued From 40-Foot Well

Ricky Aaron and his son, Skip, both from Conyers, will never forget what happened in the Putnam County deer woods on Friday, Nov. 6. They were doing some mid-morning scouting on their 485-acre lease when Skip found an old well and could hear something splashing at the bottom of it. “We knew it was an…

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