Gray Giles Wins SEEDS Shoot Out!
Grand-prize winner headed on a three-day trophy deer and hog hunt with Woods-N-Water.
Nick Carter | July 28, 2011

Gray Giles, of Perry, was this year’s SEEDs Shoot-Out winner. He will be treated to a dream deer and hog hunt with Woods-N-Water. Gray is flanked in the photo by Blaine Burley and Dale Burley, both of Woods-N-Water, who will play host to the young hunter during the November hunt.
Prior to the culmination of this year’s SEEDS Big-Buck Contest, last year’s SEEDS Shoot-Out winner, Grayson York, of Martin, took the mic.
“Keep your eye on the target, and squeeze the trigger,” Grayson advised.
Gray Giles, of Perry, who was 13 when he killed his qualifying buck, apparently took the advice to heart. Fifteen youth shooters earned a spot in the pellet-rifle competition by killing the best-scoring bucks from their week last season. On the stage at the Outdoor Blast in Macon on July 23, Gray busted a midi skeet from 45 feet and was the last youth standing after five pressure-packed rounds. He’ll collect on his grand prize in November, when he heads out on a fantastic deer and hog hunt provided by contest sponsor Woods-N-Water.
Chance Kendrick, of Edison, who also competed in the Truck-Buck Shoot-Out, came in a close second. After all the other shooters had dropped out after round three, he and Gray went head-to-head for two more rounds before Chance’s narrow miss.
This special youth-only big buck contest is held each year in conjunction with the GON Truck-Buck Shoot-Out. Every youngster who entered a buck last season in Truck-Buck was entered into the SEEDS contest.
This season, while Gray is anticipating his hunt with Woods-N-Water, Georgia’s youth deer hunters will again have the opportunity to compete for a dream hunt with Woods-N-Water. If you’re 15 or younger, and you kill a buck this season, enter the GON Truck-Buck Contest, and you will automatically be entered in the SEEDS Big-Buck Contest. Details are on page 72.

Last year’s winner, Grayson York, had some words of advice for this year’s shooters prior to the opening round.

Skye King, of Leslie, loads her pellet during this year’s SEEDS Shoot-Out at The Blast.

Brannon Johnson, of Woodland, hands off the rifle after scoring a hit.

After four rounds of shooting, the Shoot-Out for the grand prize down boiled down to just two left standing, Gray Giles and Chance Kendrick (from left).

SEEDS Shoot-Out contestants anticipate their turn to shoot in the next round.
Support Our SEEDS Sponsor
In conjunction with GON’s Truck-Buck contest, Woods-N-Water is sponsoring this year’s SEEDS Big-Buck Contest. Woods-N-Water President Blaine Burley has donated a three-day deer and hog hunt in November 2012 for the grand-prize winner in the statewide youth contest.
To book a trip with Woods-N-Water, call (888) MAX-GAME. Check out the website at <>.
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