

Rattlesnake In Tree!

  Next time you’re hunting On The Ground and decide to stop and take a relaxing lean against a tree, you may want to first investigate your surroundings very carefully. Very carefully! You never know what may be lurking behind, around, nearby or inside a tree. Josh Rogers, of Statesboro, was out scouting around in…

Red-Meat Allergy Spread By Chiggers And Ticks: Awareness Could Save A Life

Odds are that it won’t happen to you. However, the reality of odds is that it can happen, no matter how unlikely it may be. So it is with alpha-gal syndrome, and knowledge of it could just save your life. Jamie Stewart is just another outdoorsman, a normal guy who likes to hunt and fish.…

Biden Administration Eliminates Federal Funding To Schools With Hunter Ed And Archery Programs

The Biden Administration has announced that it will eliminate federal funding for schools that offer hunter education and archery programs. That has school systems across Georgia, and the U.S., in a tizzy. The decision was a result of the Biden administration’s interpretation of the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act. That act has language that prohibits federal…

Trapping Seminars At Outdoor Blast

Options for predator control of animals that eat fawns, turkey eggs and rabbits is a high-interest topic. We’ve partnered with our friends at the Georgia Trappers Association to bring their equipment and know-how and share it with Ag-Pro Outdoor Blast show-goers. GTA will host three trapping seminars at the Blast, and we know coyotes—a hot-button…

2023 Ag-Pro GON Outdoor Blast Flipbook

  The Ag-Pro GON Outdoor Blast is this weekend! Read about the scheduled events, see the floor plan and the vendor list in this digital magazine.

2023 Ag-Pro GON Outdoor Blast Events

The Ag-Pro Outdoor Blast is a sportsman’s show that brings together outdoor enthusiasts, industry experts and vendors under one roof. This event offers a unique opportunity to experience the latest gear, witness demonstrations and learn from seasoned professionals. But most of all it’s a weekend to gather with friends who enjoy the same hunting, fishing…

30-30 Ministries $1K Shoot-Out At Outdoor Blast

The 30-30 Ministries $1K Shoot-Out is back at this year’s Outdoor Blast. This special shooting competition gives contestants the opportunity to win $1,000 by breaking raw eggs with the same style pellet rifle used in GON’s Truck-Buck Shoot-Out. Anyone at the Outdoor Blast can qualify on Saturday, July 29 from 9:30 a.m. to 11 a.m.,…

Good Nesting Season For Georgia Bald Eagles

Bald eagle surveys in Georgia revealed the iconic raptors nesting and fledging young at healthy rates this year, including in coastal areas where avian influenza hammered eagles last spring. Survey leader Dr. Bob Sargent of the state Department of Natural Resources said nesting success was average to above-average in areas surveyed. Sargent, a program manager…

Rabid Beaver Attacks Girl On Lake Lanier

A 12-year-old girl is undergoing a series of rabies shots after a beaver lunged out of the water and bit her. The girl was climbing a ladder or about to get on the ladder at a boat dock when the beaver latched on to her leg, dragging her into the lake. Don McGowan, a biologist…

Be An Outdoor Blast Volunteer!

Georgia Outdoor News is seeking volunteers to help with guest relations at the 2023 Ag-Pro Outdoor Blast. Volunteer duties can include greeting guests, providing information and checking for tickets at the showroom entry and exit doors. The Outdoor Blast is July 28-30. The show hours are 1 p.m. to 8 p.m. on Friday, 9 a.m.…