Hog Hunting
When a 9-foot-long, 1,100-lb. hog was killed in Fayette County it became a story that spread like wildfire — literally going around the world on the internet and in the media. CNN, Fox-5 News, the local papers, radio stations from Seattle and Los Angeles to Jacksonville, and the Discovery Channel contacted Bill, and even the…
As the long, hot days of August roll in, we all look forward to those great tailgate parties. What better meat for a tailgate party than a big, fat Georgia hog. With Squirrel season opening August 15, a bigger game season opens as well, feral hog season on Georgia’s Wildlife Management Areas. Most WMAs are…
When I first saw the black hog trotting between the palmettos, it was only about 30 yards away, heading right for me. Best I could figure, I’d put about 10 miles under my boots in the last two days to get myself in this position. Just because hogs can’t see or hear very well doesn’t…
• Saturday, June 11: When light hit the ground, I felt strange. Sitting a foot off the ground in a roomy box stand with my .243 rifle propped in the corner, I was ready if opportunity knocked. The thought that the chance could arise where I’d need to look through my scope and squeeze one…
“I hate hogs,” Ricky Crook said to me across the front seat of his pickup. If anybody hates hogs, it’s definitely Ricky. “I killed 35 last week,” he said. Thirty-five! Good grief, the man does have some kind of hog problems. Ricky deer hunts several tracts of land in Sumter County. One tract he hunts…
Most hunters picked for one of the Ossabaw Island quota deer hunts this season found the hunting tougher than normal, at least compared to the heyday for high hunter-success rates in the late 1990s. Several factors have changed the way hunters have to go about collecting venison and pork. For the first time in a…
Are you one of those hunters sitting around the house waiting impatiently for deer-hunting season to begin? If you are, get up and go get yourself a copy of the new Georgia hunting seasons and regulations booklet and study it closely. You will find that there is an animal you can hunt during small-game season,…
Georgia wildlife officials have declared their own little war on terror, and like the real deal, this battle requires that the old rules be thrown out. DNR in March, 2005 announced a new policy that allows landowners and hunters who lease land to obtain a nuisance-control permit to deal with feral hogs. Anyone with this…
Wild hogs, feral pigs, wild boar, boar, porkers… pests, nuisance, exotic impostors! These critters have a growing repertoire of names and descriptions to match their rapidly expanding range. Wild hogs have become such a pestilence in some places that land managers are scrambling to find ways to keep up with their growing numbers. Hunters are…
About 25 years ago the hunting-accessories industry was still in its infancy, and in most parts of Georgia wild hogs were not a problem, or a pleasure, and were seldom if ever mentioned where hunters gathered. The flourishing deer populations had only recently rejuvenated the sport of big-game hunting in the state, and the only…
Hog Recipes
Creamy Garlic Wild Hog Pork Chops A deer hunter told me the other day he had encountered his first feral swine on his property. I asked what he had done with the animal. He said he dug a hole and buried it. “Those things are not any good to eat, you know,” he said. Here’s…
Wild Hog Ribs It’s a common belief that the meat from feral swine is not fit to eat. That can be true if the meat isn’t treated properly or properly prepared. A great way to make a perfect wild-pig dish is ribs. The ribs from a sow are better than the ribs from a boar. …
Orange-Glazed Wild Hog Pork Loins Are you looking for a way to cook a wild pig that wows your family and friends? You can use this recipe and convince anyone that it’s the finest piece of meat from the grocery store. 2 pork loins 1 cup brown sugar Juice from 2 oranges Zest from 2…