
Hog Hunting

70 Hogs Killed In Drive By

It’s not a newsflash that feral hogs seem to be taking over some parts of the country. Here at home, the most common complaint continues to be from farmers in south Georgia who say they are tired of the extensive damage done to their crops by these destructive rooters. Hunting kills a few, and trapping…

Public-Land Hog Hunting In August

Yep, sure is hot. August is always a scorcher. But, how much do you love hunting? Aug. 15 is the opening day of WMA squirrel season, and wild hogs are also legal to take. I consider this to be the easiest time to fill my freezer with wild pork or bag a trophy boar. In…

Hog Charges Officer

Working in law enforcement can result in some interesting calls, but some calls go beyond what even an officer of the law can imagine. Rock Podeszwa, a deputy sheriff in Walton County, recently received a call around five o’clock in the afternoon regarding a vicious and angry wild hog. “At first I thought for sure…

Aerial Assault In Wild Hog War

The first mention of an upcoming operation to kill wild hogs from a helicopter on Di-Lane Plantation WMA piqued my interest instantly. That first mention came from one of my wife’s cousins. He has property adjacent to Di-Lane and had just signed a release to allow his property to be included in the targeted area.…

Wild Hogs At Night With Black Guns And Thermal Scopes

Ideas for many of my GON articles start in some interesting places. They’ve started in weigh-in lines at tournaments, in the halls at church and by listening to tales of fish being caught at local tackle shops. The bottom line is that if there is a story to be had, I’m on it. After a…

Special WMA Hog & Coyote Season Runs May 16-31

For the first time ever, WMA hunters will have the opportunity to hunt hogs and coyotes on most Georgia WMAs from May 16-31. (Note: This article in the May issue of GON magazine in error says the special season begins May 15.) In fact, unless a Georgia WMA specifically says it’s closed to this special…

Killing Ossabaw Hogs Is A Full-Time Job

Ossabaw Island, Georgia — Codey Elrod has a job most Southern hunters would kill for. Literally. My job,” Elrod said, “is to kill hogs.” And he gets paid for it. Elrod lives alone on this 40-square mile barrier island below Savannah. He works when he wants — daybreak, late afternoon, middle of the night. His office is…

Toxic Bait Tested In War On Wild Hogs

Despite states removing almost every restriction on feral swine hunting and trapping, wild hog populations continued to grow and spread. Could it be that problem porkers are about to encounter their kryptonite? The U.S. Department of Agriculture is set to test a sodium-nitrate poison that specifically targets feral swine. If the poison turns out to…

Georgia’s Best Public Areas For Wild Hogs

  December has been coined the most wonderful time of the year, and with good reason. Time with family and friends, good food, and most importantly, the celebration of Jesus’s birth, which makes the next four weeks the best month of the year. Yes, you would simply have to be an old Scrooge not to…

Top-3 WMAs For February Wild Hog Hunting

February is without a doubt a depressing month for hunters. Deer season is over, and turkey season still seems decades away. Now before you spend the entire month glued to your favorite chair watching re-runs on the Outdoor Channel and eating Cheetos, have you considered topping that ol’ deep freezer off with some delicious pork?…

Hog Recipes


Wild In The Kitchen: Creamy Garlic Wild Hog Pork Chops

Creamy Garlic Wild Hog Pork Chops A deer hunter told me the other day he had encountered his first feral swine on his property. I asked what he had done with the animal. He said he dug a hole and buried it. “Those things are not any good to eat, you know,” he said. Here’s…


Wild In The Kitchen: Wild Hog Ribs

Wild Hog Ribs It’s a common belief that the meat from feral swine is not fit to eat. That can be true if the meat isn’t treated properly or properly prepared. A great way to make a perfect wild-pig dish is ribs. The ribs from a sow are better than the ribs from a boar. …

Wild In The Kitchen: Orange-Glaze Wild Hog Pork Loin

Orange-Glazed Wild Hog Pork Loins Are you looking for a way to cook a wild pig that wows your family and friends? You can use this recipe and convince anyone that it’s the finest piece of meat from the grocery store.  2 pork loins 1 cup brown sugar Juice from 2 oranges Zest from 2…