Deer Hunting
Georgia 2024-2025 Deer Hunting Dates
Archery Sept. 14 - Oct. 11
Primitive Weapons/Youth Firearm Oct. 12-18
Firearms Oct. 19 - Jan. 12
Safe to say that this bow season started red hot for every single deer hunter who ventured to a stand—if not for seeing deer, certainly for the temperatures and humidity. It was brutal! Yet, despite the heat, we had possibly the best start to a Georgia archery season ever. There have been record-class bow-bucks hanging…
On Dec. 8, 1985, David Coppenger, 22 at the time, killed a main-frame 12-pointer from the Oconee National Forest in Jasper County that also had 15 kicker points and grossed 192 7/8 inches. “Ever since I was a little kid, I used to hunt. I would hunt rabbits and squirrels when I was in elementary school,”…
I killed my best Georgia whitetail on Friday, Nov. 13, 2015. According to GON’s Rut Map, it was time to be in the woods. The Rut Map didn’t lie. When I pulled the trigger about 9 a.m., it was deer No. 11 that I’d seen—and buck No. 5. For a little ol’ timber lease with…
Field to Fork, a hunter recruitment program for adults from non-hunting backgrounds, is expanding into seven new states this year after two successful seasons of pilot testing near QDMA Headquarters in Georgia. Of 22 adult participants in the pilot program, 80 percent have continued to hunt on their own within the first year after participation…
Michael Davidson, of Bethlehem, was up a tree on Oct. 3 at Cedar Creek WMA in Jones County. He was looking out over a grown-up field full of tall grasses when a 9-pointer showed up. “He came out of some thick stuff into that little field, and 47 yards was as close as he would…
Deer Hunting Resources
Georgia Rut Map
Venison Recipes
Ground Venison Christmas Stuffing If you are looking for a great side dish for your Christmas dinner, impress your family with this venison take on stuffing. 1 pound ground venison 1 stick butter 1 chopped zucchini 1 large onion, chopped 1 tbsp minced garlic 2 tbsp sour cream 1 can cream of mushroom soup…
Ground Venison Stuffed Mushrooms Most Georgia deer hunters have an ample supply of ground venison on hand. This is tasty way to utilize just a small portion of that ground venison, and it makes a great appetizer or snack. 16 large portabella mushrooms 3 tablespoons butter 3 tablespoons red bell pepper 2 garlic cloves…
Juicy Lucy Venison Burgers The Juicy Lucy Burger originated in Minnesota, of all places, and is a matter of statewide pride. Here, the recipe has been adapted to the South by replacing ground beef with venison. Be sure to use venison with at least 20 percent beef fat for best results. This makes four burgers.…