The Top Stories From 2005
Warm Season Food Plots For Quality Deer Management
By Rans Thomas and Blaine Burley Interest in food plots and quality deer management are at an all-time high with hunters and hunting-land managers across the nation. Producing better deer herds is the main goal. Given this increase in interest and available information on the subject, it is surprising how many food-plot programs consist of…
Close The Distance On Hung-Up Gobblers
There are few things in turkey hunting more frustrating than a hung-up gobbler. I’ve had lots of birds come running to the call from great distances only to stop at an imaginary line just out of gun range. It’s like they know the distance at which my gun can do serious damage. Oftentimes, they strut…
Deer Stand Strategy: Move Or Stand Pat
With firearms deer season underway, most people have already set their stands up and are ready to do some serious hunting. Every hunter knows, however, that sometimes the best-looking stand location isn’t quite right. It’s too far from that trail the deer are using, nearby foliage is blocking a shot, or the deer aren’t hitting…
Time Marches On, So Does Dog Hunting
When I pulled up to where Michael Mashburn had turned out his hounds only a couple of hours before, I could see the little buck stretched out in the grass behind his truck. I had turned out on a hill of plantation pines across a powerline from Michael, and when I heard him shoot, I…